Strömsö’s future is still open, says the responsible producer

The popular Strömsö Magazine Program will be renewed due to YLE’s cuts. The design work is just beginning, but more information can be made within a few weeks, says Annika Löfgren, who is responsible for the program.

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Highly popular Strömsö program will be renewed due to savings, but will not stop completely.

Responsible producer Annika Löfgren says that a weekly magazine program on TV is ending.

Strömsö continues as multimedia content on television and arena, but production is decreasing.

Hufvudstadsbladet Stated last Friday that TV broadcasts of the beloved Strömsö program will end as part of YLE’s savings.

The Finnish-Swedish-based Makasin Program, which focuses on home chores, for example, began to be screened on YLE channels in 2002. The TV broadcasts of the magazine program will end after this spring.

During its long history, the Magazine Program has risen to the attention of almost the whole people, and the program is also shown in Sweden and Norway.

Strömsön responsible producer Annika Löfgren The Finnish Broadcasting Company tells HS that you can’t shed some light on Strömsö’s future. He recalls that the savings on the general basis are high.

They affect Strömsö so that the magazine program seen once a week on television ends.

“What is not true is a misconception that Strömsö is completely stopped. It’s a good idea to clarify the viewers, ”Löfgren says.

Strömsön The audience consists of Finns of all ages and other loyal followers of the Nordic. For them, Löfgren has a clear message.

“Yes, Strömsö will be on television too, but I can’t say at this point in how and how often because the design work is completely unfinished,” says Löfgren.

Therefore, the future of Strömsö has not yet been announced.

“We will probably announce in a couple of weeks a little more about the direction we are developing Strömsö,” says Löfgren.

Löfgren I understand well the confusion of some viewers about how the new Strömsö can then be followed if the program is not shown “traditionally on television”, that is, as many have watched the familiar magazine program.

“It is certainly wondering what Strömsö is now in the future, if not a magazine program. Strömsö is already multi -media, and it will be in the future. The content does not come as much as so far, with the savings, it is clear. But what is done is done on many platforms, surely on television, ”he says.

According to Löfgren, Strömsö has long been done above the Yle Arena above, in addition to being sent on the YLE’s number one channel.

“No, by no means do Strömsö’s stuff published only as online stuff. Strömsö will also be visible in the Arena and TV, ”Löfgren promises.

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