Eppu Normal Drummer created a million business and now the company buys a majority of Warner Bros. TV production company in Finland

The most well -known productions, including Suomilove and the whole of Finland bakes.

Production company The battery plant buys a majority of Warner Bros’s TV production company in Finland. Warner Bros. International Television Production (WBITVP) Finland’s most famous productions in Finland are in Finland Bachelor, Supernanny, Sukuni Salat, Over, The whole of Finland bakes, Home for a dog and Vole.

The battery plant, which has grown from the rental of the audio equipment of the Eppu Normaali band, now consists of more than 15 companies.

“The media industry has been in the transition for the last 20 years, and the actual news is that the change will continue for the next 20 years. Now, from our point of view, we have reached a kind of hinge point, ”says the CEO of Akku factory Battery in the bulletin.

Syrjä is also known as Eppu Normal’s drummer.

CEO of WBITVP Finland Antti Väisänen says in the release that digitalisation, streaming services, competition between digital platforms, and artificial intelligence development create opportunities, but also require a new kind of competence capital.

“At the same time, the value of live events increases sharply. There is a value to what you can experience live, whether it is music, sports or other live, and here the battery plant runs at the forefront of development, ”Väisänen says in the release.

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