Villa Heike in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen shows photo art in a historical place

Between the construction site, Lidl market and the former Stasi prison is one of the most exciting exhibition locations in Lichtenberg: Villa Heike, an impressive building at Freienwalder Straße 17 in Alt-Hohenschönhausen.

“This place is something special,” says Sinta Werner. The photo artist has her studio in the Villa Heike, just like her colleague Anja Nitz. The works of the two artists can currently be seen in the villa.

Similar to other artists from the capital, Werner and Nitz have also moved to the east of Berlin because it was becoming increasingly difficult to find work rooms within the S-Bahn ring. “In the middle it is no longer possible to find such a nice studio,” says Nitz. It is an inspiring place, despite, but maybe also because of its story.

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