In recognition of those who with their hands have molded and embroidered the history of the country, this 2025 was declared year of the indigenous woman. Under this slogan, the National Fund for the Promotion of Crafts (Fonart) will promote a special support program for indigenous and Afromexican women, with the aim of strengthening their artisanal work.
Elena Vázquez and Los Santos, director of the institution, explained that these initiatives not only consider the delivery of credits in collaboration with the Ministry of Welfare and Financial for Welfare (Finabien), but also an integral accompaniment in the production, purchase and sale of their pieces.
We take care of the operational part, from the selection of quality raw material and training to improve finishes and designs to commercialization. We want to ensure that artisans access financing and can cover their credits with the sale of their pieces
explained Vázquez and Los Santos in an interview with The day.
It seeks to provide artisan women with the necessary tools to improve the quality of their products without losing their cultural identity. This includes ensuring the use of high quality cotton threads, suitable fabrics for embroidery and frayed, as well as eliminating plastic in the packaging.
Throughout the year, the Fonart will organize more than 80 national competitions to recognize the work of the great teachers of popular art. We are interested in highlighting those who have preserved techniques at risk of disappearing. We want people to make visible and value them, because they are a way of interpreting life
the director added.
In addition, the promotion and distribution of pieces nationally and internationally will be reinforced, in order to open more markets to creators. In this sense, participation in fairs and meetings is key to generating a dialogue between the artisans themselves and the public.
An example of this is the Fair of Crafts that will take place as of today and until March 23 at the National Museum of Popular Cultures, in the context of Craftsman’s Day, which was held yesterday.
More than 100 creators of several ethnic groups and regions of the country will participate. We have selected teachers who are leaders in their communities, who have been awarded and have opened a gap in the preservation of traditional techniques
Vázquez and Los Santos stressed.
Symbolism and tradition
“One of the biggest challenges for artisans is to leave their communities to participate in these meetings. Many of them have not traveled before and feel fear of leaving their home. But once here, they realize the importance of showing their creations, sharing their experiences and learning from others.
Direct interaction with the public allows artisans to explain the meaning of their works. Behind each craft there is a context, a story. It is not only beautiful objects, but of pieces loaded with symbolism and tradition. It is they who can best transmit it.
Another of the most delicate issues is plagiarism and improper appropriation of indigenous designs. About this, Vázquez and Los Santos is blunt: It is an economic, cultural and ethical problem. When a brand takes the designs without permission, it is snatching something that does not belong to it. The communities have built these knowledge for centuries and must be those who receive recognition and benefit
Originally from Misantla, Veracruz, and graduated from the Faculty of Anthropology of the Veracruz University, the director mentioned that there have been cases in which large companies market pieces inspired by embroidery or indigenous patterns without giving credit or compensation to its creators.
We face a model in which artisans are seen as inspiration provider, but not as owners of their own work. That has to change and from the Fonart we will promote measures for its protection.
Among these actions, he highlighted the promotion of authenticity certifications and the dissemination of consumer -directed awareness campaigns. We want people to know that they are buying a legitimate craft and when it is an industrial imitation. It is necessary to raise awareness about the value of artisanal work and its impact on the lives of thousands of women and their families
he emphasized.
Likewise, Vázquez and Los Santos stressed the importance of recognition to artisan teachers who have dedicated their lives to preserving these techniques. These women not only embroider or weave; They tell stories through their art. Each stitch is a testimony of resistance, identity and pride. It is our responsibility as a society to protect them and value them
he concluded.
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