« The instructor magistrate was able to assess the existence of serious or concordant indices in a illuminated manner ” In this case, specifies the judgment of the Paris Court of Appeal. The actor remains indicted for sexual assault
The investigating chamber of the Paris Court of Appeal canceled on Monday 17 March all the hearing minutes of the actor Philippe Caubère, indicted for rapes and sexual assault on minors, due to a ” unfair behavior Investigators who interviewed him, AFP learned from a source close to the file on Wednesday.
« This unfair behavior in the notification of the facts and the questioning which followed it or preceded is likely to vicar all of the auditions of police custody ” – including the confrontations – of the actor, who nevertheless remains indicted for sexual assault, rape and corruption of minors over the past three victims, specifies the court judgment that AFP was able to consult. “” The instructor magistrate, without taking into account the auditions of police custody which is not the necessary support, was able to appreciate in a illusion of the existence of the serious or concordant indices “Against the actor on the basis of the hearings of the complainants and” evidence such as photographs and correspondence “, Details this document again.
Solicited, Me Fanny Colin, who defends the actor, did not wish to comment. This decision is ” inexpensive On the bottom of the file, reacted for AFP Me Anne Lassalle, council of one of the victims who ” handed over a considerable number of elements to investigators (and) to the rest of the instruction ».
« No implication of the actor’s involvement »
« This cancellation of a few parts has no implication on the involvement of Mr. Caubère in this case and no incidence on the reality of what was denounced by my client either, since everything is based on objective elements, in particular correspondence », Acoses Me Negar Haeri, who defends the other two victims.
Mr. Caubère had been indicted in February 2024 for facts that took place according to the victims in 2012 for a first, and between 2010 and 2019 for a second, had the Créteil prosecution at the time. The actor is also indicted for the corruption of minors over the age of 15 on a third victim, facts that took place between 2019 and 2021, according to the same source. Philippe Caubère had recognized in January 2024 in a statement sent to AFP that he had an intimate relationship for four months in 2012 with a minor aged 16, a relationship according to him.
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