World Happiness Day, which is celebrated on March 20 of each year, was established in July 2012 by the UN and initially promoted by Bhutan, which since the 70s had measured the well -being of the country with the Internal Felicity Lorda (in) instead of only with the GDP. The goal is to promote “a more inclusive, fair approach to economic growth, which favors the happiness and well -being of all peoples”.
However, a dimension that seems to be increasingly unknown to the new generations: according to a recent global study published by Newsweek, in fact, 8 out of 10 boys belonging to the Gen Z They claimed to have felt feelings of solitude in the last year and, as if that were not enough, over 3 one confessed to feeling often only or even regularly only (15%). However, that of infelity is a condition that does not only concern young people, but it is an epidemic that involves all generations with increasingly worrying levels: they feel alone and unhappy are also 72% of Millennial60% of the Gen X and 45% of Baby Boomer.
According to experts who conducted the study, the causes are to be found in the decades in which the priorities were profits, while personal relationships were put in the background: the prices of inaccessible accommodation, the insecurity in the world of work and a constant burst of virtual comparisons led by social media, have done the rest. All exacerbated by the lack of a real community, which makes people feel abandoned and disillusioned. A situation that from private life also affects the work: a Metlife study reported by Fortune in fact underlines how only 59% of the Gen Z is happy in their workplace, a figure lower than the happy boomers that are 71%. And the future is even darkest: “The Good Childhood Report 2024” created by The Children’s Society has revealed that the Italian 15 -year -olds are among the least satisfied with their lives in Europe, in front of the United Kingdom, Malta, Poland and Germany.
But it is possible to eradicate this “unhappiness epidemic“Through practical advice to follow every day? Yes, according to Walter Rolfo, president of the Foundation of ETS happiness and teaching of the engineering of happiness at the Polytechnic of Turin.” Being finally happy is simple, just realize it and above all choose it. According to a research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, a concrete increase in happiness occurs simply by writing three things in a diary daily that made us happy during the day. The awareness of what is positive already happens in our life allows us to be not only happier, but also more optimistic, healthier and motivated “.
“Happiness is simple, but it is not easy, requires commitment and is a conscious daily choice – he continues – in an era like this, where the only certainty is uncertainty, there is a need for concreteness and positivity to better face the future and build it so that it is functional to our well -being. Here, therefore, that I summarized in two immediate decreases, real concrete actions thanks to young people and adults will be able to find that feeling of happiness more and more. rare today “.
Two decaling advice to find happiness according to Walter Rolfo
The 10 special steps to be happier on an operational day
Wake up with enthusiasm.As soon as you wake up, choose to face the day thinking about the most beautiful thing you will live in the next few hours and then prioritize your activities. Start managing first what you would tend to postpone, after which the day is all downhill.
Breakfast with awareness: dedicate time to enjoy your breakfast without distractions. Concentrate on flavors and physical sensations as you eat, appreciating the present moment. A sort of gastronomic “mindfulness”.
Small moments of physical activity: Leave the car in the parking furthest from the entrance of your office or take a short walk in the open air. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Moving and taking fresh air can reduce stress and improve our mood and self -esteem.
EMPATHY: During the working day he looks for at least one opportunity to be kind to someone, whether he is a colleague, a customer or a stranger. Even a simple smile or a compliment can make a difference more than we imagine.
Positive focus lunch break: close your eyes for a couple of minutes and focus your new dream or a destination you want to reach. Focus on details and let positive emotions wrap you. This practice increases motivation and well -being.
Deep breathing: Take some moments to practice deep breathing. Close your eyes, slowly inspire from the nose, completely filling the lungs, and then exhales slowly. Breathing is as underestimated as it is important.
Positive relationships: spend more time with people who make you feel good, whether they are friends, family or partners. Sharing pleasant moments with others increases the sense of happiness.
Stretching prime in cena: before dinner dedicated to a short stretching session to relax mind and body. This will help you dissolve the tensions accumulated during the day and prepare for an evening of tranquility and, day after day, to be more elastic.
Time for yourself: After dinner, take some time to do something you love, whether to read a book, watch a movie or practice a hobby. Dedicate this moment to yourself to regenerate and recharge your energies. A healthy happy selfishness.
Before going to bed, reflect on the day: Before closing your eyes take a moment to reflect on the past day. Focus on positive moments and write three on a small diary to keep close to the bed. It will be useful in immediate and it will be important to reread it in the most tiring moments, to have greater awareness of our life.
The 10 special steps to be happier on the weekend
A relaxing routine: get up slowly and treat yourself to the time to do what you love, whether to read, stretch or simply enjoy a cup of coffee in peace. Obviously after managing the daily family requests with the best possible smile.
A hobby: dedicate part of your day to practice a hobby that is passionate about. Whether it’s painting, cooking or gardening, focusing on what makes you happy and satisfied. It is never too late to put our dreams back into play.
Nature: Nature has positive effects on emotional well -being and can help you feel more serene and happy: it spend time outdoors, perhaps taking a walk in a park or in the countryside.
Do good to others: dedicate a part of your day to do good to others, that it is simply making a kind gesture towards someone, helping a neighbor in difficulty or volunteering. Contribute to the well -being of others gives great personal satisfaction.
Digital break: disconnected from digital devices and granted the time away from news and social media. This will help you reduce stress and live more in the present moment. I suggest you start with an hour, try and you will discover how difficult it will be and precisely for this reason it is.
Live affections: spend quality time with friends or loved ones, perhaps organizing a dinner or simply eating an ice cream. Social relationships are fundamental for our emotional well -being and bring true joy and happiness in our life. Maybe you surprise someone who hasn’t heard from him for some time to tell him bye … and find out the effect he does!
Practice gratitude: Take a moment to reflect on the most beautiful things that happened to you in the week. Focusing your selective attention will help you focus on positive aspects and develop an attitude of gratitude.
A special dinner: Take advantage of your free time to pamper yourself: prepare dishes you like or go to a restaurant that you love and treat yourself to a special dinner. Enjoy the food in the company of loved ones, even if sometimes treating yourself a dinner alone is as unusual as it is useful to our mood.
He relaxes: Search the weekend time to relax. You can read a book, listen to relaxing music, a podcast or an audio-book you like. Remember that you are lovable even if they are ozi. Get a healthy idleness without feeling guilt is a privilege of a few.
Planning of the week: putting our activities in order serves to decrease the perceived. Our mind tends to always reproduce the same tasks and in our “mental to do” they seem to multiply. Writing them will streamline the list, as if by magic, and serenity will increase.
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