The guitarist Fernando Mariña presented this Friday the record material Elegiac, with music by Cuban composer Leo Brouwer and Nicaraguan Luis Abraham Delgadillo, in the José Vasconcelos main hall of the National Center for the Arts (Cenart).

This is the first recording made with a Latin American orchestra and soloist of the Concert Elegiac No. 3, by the Cuban composer, and the world premiere recording of Concerto no. 1 for guitar and orchestra by the Nicaraguan Luis Abraham Delgadillo.

Regarding the new album, with the Ediciones Pentagrama label, Fernando Mariña expressed in an interview that after several years of work, the material is finally released with the work of Leo Brouwer, whom he defined as the most important living figure on the planet on the classical guitar.

In the musical world, Brouwer revolutionized his compositional technique and language. He expanded the repertoire, with solo works, concerts with orchestra, and chamber works. He also transcended the boundaries of the instrument, composing and conducting works for symphony orchestra and a wide variety of other instrumental ensembles.

“This record is special because the Concert Elegiac No. 3, which has been recorded on various occasions by European orchestras and soloists such as the British Julian Bream and the Spanish María Esther Guzmán, is the first version to be recorded with a Latin American soloist and orchestra; In addition, the direction is by Leo Brouwer.

It has been a privilege to be under the baton of maestro Brouwer. It was quite an apprenticeship from the table work, the rehearsals with the Costa Rica Symphony Orchestra, before the recording we played it live twice. Leo was the producer in the recording sessions and later he gave me the confidence to finish producing the album.said the Mexican guitarist.

The record material also includes the recording of Concerto no. 1 for guitar and orchestra by the Nicaraguan composer Luis Abraham Delgadillo.

Fernando Mariña explained that he chose that piece because it was the first one that Leo Brouwer performed at the age of 17 accompanied by an orchestra, and the Nicaraguan composer traveled to Havana to see and listen to his work.

The musician added that this project arose in 2015 and has been a collaborative work with the Cuban composer, the Costa Rican orchestra and him.

The presentation of Elegiac included the participation of Ernesto García de León, Omán Kaminsky, Henry Calvo Ureña, Carlos Beanie Chaves, Miguel Ángel Gutiérrez López and Fernando Mariña.

By Editor

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