There were no plans for a nude picture until Tobias Rahim himself had a good idea

Tobias Rahim is one of Denmark’s most successful artists at the moment, but the popular singer is also known for a completely explicit nude picture, where he shows what he has to offer wearing nothing but a rose in his mouth.

The nude picture has been discussed far and wide, just as he himself has offered it as a prize in the program ‘Grand Master’, and now the photographer behind it, Petra Kleis, tells how the picture came about.

It happens in the Radio4 program ‘The Last Meal’, where she says that she had to shoot press photos for Tobias Rahim’s album when the singer got an idea.

– Then Tobias asked if I had photographed naked men before, because he knew I had photographed naked women. I said that I had not, but that I would like to do it if there were some men who would throw away the clothes for me.

– He said: ‘Would you like to take a nude picture of me, because I have an idea that it might be cool as part of my press package’. I thought that was just a total turn-up, and then he was just like: ‘Cool, then I’ll throw the clothes away’, she says in the programme.

Really nice
Then they started shooting the pictures.

– The light was really nice, and we did a little different, where he sort of sat, and where it was more or less explicit. Some from the side and from the front, and then the one where he stands with the flower in his mouth, which became very well known.

– There are many handsome ones, he’s just a handsome man, isn’t he? And we’ve clearly been hungry for that too – to look at a handsome man standing by who is not a ‘porn star’.

Tobias Rahim has previously told himself about the picture, which you can read about here. You can see the picture here.

By Editor

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