Does King Juan Carlos have a secret daughter? A book fuels rumors in Spain

The Spaniards woke up this Thursday with news that has been circulating underground for years among those who closely follow the public and private life of the members of the Crown: King Emeritus Juan Carlos I de Borbón, the same one who in 2014 ceded the throne to his son and in 2020 he went into self-exile outside of Spain due to accusations that weighed on his reputation, he would have a secret daughter.

This is revealed by the book “King Corp. The Untold Empire of Juan Carlos I”, an investigation carried out by journalists José María Olmo and David Fernández.

The book reveals even more unknown facets of a Juan Carlos who, at 85, never ceases to surprise the millions of Spaniards who reigned between 1975 -when the dictator Francisco Franco died- and 2014, when he abdicated.

Although it will be in Spanish bookstores on May 8, one of its juiciest chapters was published this Thursday in the online newspaper The confidential where, in addition, details of this alleged illegitimate daughter of the king emeritus appear.

The eyes point to Alejandra de Rojas, a 43-year-old aristocrat, daughter of counts, who usually fills the pages of the magazine Hello! because she recovered a dress that her mother wore 42 years ago or to show how she has just redecorated the room of her son Pepe, who was born in 2019.

Alejandra Rojas would be the secret daughter of King Emeritus Juan Carlos. Photo: Instagram @alejandraderojas

His mother, Charo Palacios, would have lived with a Juan Carlos younger than her, a voracious passion.

The emeritus king, however, the only thing that worried him at that time, as revealed by the authors of “King Corp”, would have been that Alejandra and Felipe, the current king of Spain and ten years older than his supposed sister, would meet and get together. they will fall in love

The same sources assure that Alejandra de Rojas he would never have claimed a place in the lineage of the Spanish Royal House. And that it was only when he was a teenager that his mother would have told him who his real father would be.

From the Palacio de la Zarzuela, the geography of the Spanish Crown that the Bourbon does not stop putting in trouble, they claim “not to have knowledge” of whether the emeritus has a secret daughter named Alejandra.

The newspaper El Confidencial advanced fragments of the book about King Juan Carlos that will go on sale in May. Photo: Instagram @alejandraderojas

The newspaper El Confidencial advanced fragments of the book about King Juan Carlos that will go on sale in May. Photo: Instagram @alejandraderojas

They suggest that you should ask him who, since August 2020, lives in Abu Dhabi, 7,500 kilometers from Madrid.

according to the newspaper The worldJuan Carlos would have communicated with the section of the newspaper that deals with affairs of the monarchy and show business, LOC -La Otra Crónica-, to affirm: “It is not true that he has a daughter.”

On paper, Juan Carlos I only recognizes as his own the children he had with Queen Sofía: Infanta Elena -born in 1963-, Infanta Cristina, two years younger than her sister, and King Felipe VI, who on 30 January he turned 55.


neither yes nor no

The Argentine journalist Ernesto Ekaizer, who has lived in Spain for almost 50 years and is the author of the book “The Naked King. History of a Fraud”, claims to have had the information years ago and that he sent dozens of messages via WhatsApp to Alejandra. of Rojas that ella never answered.

“I did not get it for my book on Juan Carlos I published in June 2021. And as of September 2022, I restarted the investigation. I sent a dozen messages to Alejandra de Rojas. I stopped by her Maje’s shop on Claudio Coello street in Madrid. But I didn’t get what I wanted. It was not the answer, but an answer,” Ekaizer said Thursday in a column in The newspaper of Catalonia, the newspaper for which he writes.

Charo Palacios, the mother of Alejandra, supposedly the secret daughter of King Emeritus Juan Carlos I. Photo: Instagram @alejandraderojas

Charo Palacios, the mother of Alejandra, supposedly the secret daughter of King Emeritus Juan Carlos I. Photo: Instagram @alejandraderojas

In his messages, Ekaizer let Alejandra know what he knew about her personal and family history, something that she never acknowledged or denied.

Who is Alexandra?

Ekaizer detailed that the information he had included that “she was the daughter of Rosario Palacios Calleya, Charo, Countess of Montarco, the widow of Eduardo de Rojas Ordóñez, the fifth Count of Montarco, founder of the Falange,” he listed. -. The muse of the designer Elio Berhanyer, who died in November 2016, had a relationship with Juan Carlos I, from whom Alejandra was born, on August 7, 1979 in Madrid.”

His father was Eduardo de Rojas Ordóñez, the fifth Count of Montarco who also founded, along with José Antonio Primo de Rivera, the Falange, a version of fascism, Spanish.

He studied Marketing and Advertising and it was not difficult for him to get a position in the luxury watchmaking division of the firm LVMH, owner of top brands such as Louis Vuitton, Givenchy or Dior.

She is a close friend of Alejandra Silva, Richard Gere’s current partner, and She is married to the musician and aristocrat Beltrán Cavero.who is the nephew of the former president of the Community of Madrid and former Minister of Education under José María Aznar, Esperanza Aguirre.

From her social networks, where she has some 60,000 followers, Alejandra de Rojas does not know, she does not answer. She is traveling through Asturias, entertaining and oblivious to revealing if her father is a king. Or not.

By Editor

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