Roth will Kulturpass auch für 15- bis 17-Jährige ermöglichen
Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth (Greens) wants to expand the culture pass for 18-year-olds in the coming years. “If the culture pass is a success, then we want to extend it in 2024 and the following years and, if possible, expand it to 17, 16 and 15-year-olds,” Roth told the “Rheinische Post” on Thursday.

The pass gives young people who will come of age this year access to cultural events or cultural products. According to Roth, more than 113,000 young people have used the culture pass to date. A little over two million euros were converted.
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“In terms of sales, concerts and festivals are in first place, books and comics are in second place, cinema tickets are in third place, and musical instruments are in fourth place,” explained the Minister of State for Culture. More than 7,000 providers in the industry took part in the concept.

The Kulturpass app has been available for download since June 14, 2023. The young people there have a budget of 200 euros per person at their disposal. In this way, the federal government wants to support young people in experiencing culture on site and at the same time strengthen local cultural providers who continue to suffer from the after-effects of the corona pandemic.
Nationwide culture pass for young people aged 18 and over This is how it should work in Potsdam

The Budget Committee of the Bundestag is making 100 million euros available for this this year. According to the Federal Statistical Office, 750,000 young people in Germany are entitled to use the pass.

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