Horrific kidnapping scene of Naama Levy by Hamas, presentation by Aidan Platt

19-year-old Naama Levy has been in the hands of Hamas in Gaza for weeks. The attack caught Naama right in her first days in Nahal Oz, after she finished an observation course. She evacuated to a protected area when the “red color” alarms started and the rockets were fired into the area, but when Hamas took over the base she was kidnapped, when her family found out about it from a video that was circulated online in which she is seen getting into a Hamas vehicle while handcuffed.

Aidan Platt presentation, watch here:


She added:

“If this display is hard to look at in Los Angeles, try to imagine living through it in Gaza!!!!!!!

More than 80 young girls and women have been held hostage by Hamas for the last 47 days.
They are being subjected to sexual,
physical and
mental abuse.
These barbaric crimes are happening as we speak, and when they need us the most- all the women’s rights activists have gone QUIET.
Where are you?
They need your help.
How can you remain silent?????!

⚠️Share this video in order to raise awareness⚠️”

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The kidnapping of Naama Levy –

By Editor

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