Culture awards the Best Published Books Awards in 2023 to recognize and stimulate the work of publishers

He Ministry of Culture and Sports this Monday awarded the Awards to the Best Published Books during the year 2023 in order to recognize and stimulate the work of publishers in the publishing of books and works.

As highlighted by the Ministry in a statement, The awards have no financial prize, but are “highly valued” by the editors for what they mean “recognition and prestige” for their editorial work, as well as for the dissemination they entail, since the award-winning books will be exhibited at the international Book Fairs Liber, Frankfurt and Leipzig.

In these last two fairs, the exhibition Best Book Design from all over the World is exhibited, an international competition for which each country sends the books that win its national competition each year.

Thus, the jury has evaluated 184 works and has awarded the first prize in Art Books to ‘They illustrate botany: art, science and gender’, by Toya Legido, and edited by the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC); the second prize went to ‘Light of Spain. Fernando Manso, photographs by Fernando Manso, edited by Ediciones El Viso; and the third prize went to ‘Diagramming Modernity. Book and graphic design in Latin America 1920-1940’by Rodrigo Gutiérrez Viñuales and Riccardo Boglione, designed by José Luis Lugo and edited by RM Verlag and La Bahía Publishing.

In the Bibliophilia Books section, the first award went to ‘A Picasso’, by Rafael Alberti and Felipe Alarcón Echenique, which addresses nine poems by Alberti dedicated to Picasso with prints by Felipe Alarcón, published by Summa Editorial; second prize for ‘Domenico Ghirlandaio’, by Elena Poblete (texts and engravings); printer and layout designer El Mono de la Tinta, published by Millenium Liber; and third prize for ‘John of Palafox. Talent, passion and commitment’by Ricardo Fernández Gracia, edited by Fundación TW Group.

On the other hand, in Facsimiles Books the first prize has been for ‘Liturgical psalter and devotional book of Bernat Martorell’, with illuminations by Bernat Martorell, published by Editorial Base; second prize for ‘Flower of holiness. ancient history‘, by Ramon Maria del Valle-lnclán, edited by Alvarellos Publisher; and the third prize has been for ‘La Umbría: Theatre’by Alonso Quesada, published by Ediciones del Cabildo de Gran Canaria.

For its part, in Children’s and Young People’s Books, Culture has awarded ‘A burning mist. Emily Dickinson’s Anthology of Poems, edited by Grupo Editorial Edelvives; second prize for ‘Stone by stone’, by lsidro Ferrer, edited by A Buen Paso; and the third prize’bestiaryby Dulce Maria Loynaz, edited by Creotz Ediciones.

Finally, in General and Dissemination Works, the first prize went to ‘The infinite pleasure of mathematics’, by Alessandro Maccarrone, published by Blackie Books; the second prize for ‘Crazy Cat. Sunday Pages 1916-1917’, by George Herriman, published by Ediciones La Cúpula; and third prize for ‘Picasso-Barcelona. A cartographyby Claustre Rafart i Planas, edited by Editorial Tenov, the Picasso Museum of Barcelona and Barcelona City Council.

By Editor

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