You have to eat mushrooms at least four times to get used to it – The same goes for Taylor Swift – Culture

I realized that you have to treat Swift’s music like a TV series, one song doesn’t say anything.

Nope it was easy. I put Taylor Swiftin to ring, and it didn’t pick up at all. It just wasn’t to my taste. But. As a mother, I know how to develop taste.

Not all children like mushrooms. You have to eat them at least four times to get used to them. The taste starts to change.

So I decided to listen to Taylor Swift more. And it worked.

Before last weekend I didn’t know what Taylor Swift’s music was like. I just knew that he is a successful American singer. Then Taylor Swift came to perform a concert in Stockholm, and the discussion about her in my close circle intensified.

Many wondered what Taylor Swift is, I haven’t heard a single song… I was provoked. I decided to find out.

I listened to the first songs with great concentration and high expectations. Then I chose another path.

I put Swift to play from a streaming service. I let it play all day, in the background. And bro, in the afternoon I started to perk up my ears: this is a nice song, is this also Taylor Swift?

I started separating songs from each other.

Swiftin the music has a certain low profile characteristic of this period.

I used to try to listen to my son’s favorite American rap artists as well. It was hard to get a hold of their – also biographical – music.

Neither has an easily distinguishable melody or chorus. But the lyrics are important. You have to be able to listen!

Something similar is in the popularity of TV series. Nothing can be concluded from one episode yet. Now let’s watch the series in a row. Let’s compare production seasons.

It is said that Swift is also more ordinary in nature than, say, a young person Madonna. No need to provoke, even less is enough.

It’s okay to be mainstream now.

In the mainstream money moves. Swift is rich and powerful. That’s great. He flies his private plane so much that he is considered an environmental criminal. There aren’t many women like that.

The essential thing is that Taylor Swift makes the songs herself, talks about her own life in them.

After spending the day in Swift, I looked at my own nostalgic playlist with new eyes.

I know by heart a large number of hungover men’s rants about their emotional lives. I’ve been hearing them all my life.

Juice works as a collective song still, at the campfire. Not sure about Taylor Swift.

By Editor

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