Javier Rey stars in 'The Sleeping Woman', a “Hitchcock-like” film about psychological manipulation

The actor Javier Rey stars ‘The sleeping woman’ a film directed by Laura Alvea, in which through suspense -“more like Hitchcock“, as the interpreter indicates, addresses a love story marked by psychological manipulation.

Manipulation is part of the human condition. The difference is that now there is no longer any shame when it comes to manipulating, doing it and showing that you do it.. Before there was a kind of social condemnation for something like this, but now there is no longer any,” said Javier Rey in an interview with Europa Press, when asked about whether the manipulation has extended to different social areas.

Javier Rey has shown his joy at making a suspense film and highlights that ‘The Sleeping Woman’ “unpacks” the plot in a “rare” way in Spain. “There have not been many films made in which what is revealed in this film is revealed and in the way in which we have done it. This has something a little more typical of Hitchcock’s suspense, where speed or effectiveness does not exist,” he stated.

The interpreter has praised Laura Alvea’s work, although he jokes that “there is nothing similar” to her character Agustín. “I liked Laura very, very, very much, and I was interested in going through and understanding my character, although we have absolutely nothing in common”he points out.

Javier Rey shares the lead role in the film with Almudena Amor, who has highlighted that currently there is more “awareness” about manipulative relationships. “Now everything is spoken much more and more clearly. There is less fear of communicating and we are more aware and that reduces manipulations“, he indicated.

The actress recalled that she “loved” casting to become Ana and assures that the story was a “love crush”, so she had no doubts about accepting the project. “It was one of these scripts that you get and I told myself that I could contribute something to this story. and from the first moment I really wanted to do it,” he commented.

For her part, the actress has highlighted the previous work they had to do with a nurse to learn the care that a person in a vegetative state needs, since in the film actress Amanda Goldsmith plays a woman in that state.


The director has assured, in statements to Europa Press, that when the script came into her hands it reminded her of the “most classic” thriller cinema and has mentioned the stories of the filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock, such as ‘Vertigo’ or ‘Rebecca’. “When I got the script, it was what attracted me the most, which reminded me a little more of that Hitchcock film. and that was one of the things that interested me the most to embark on production,” he indicated.

“The film does not present its cards to you from the beginning. The plot has to be developed and I think the viewer will accept the game and want to decipher it,” the filmmaker detailed, adding that ‘The Sleeping Woman’ “It’s not just about scares” because it ends up reflecting a current social issue.

Finally, the film’s exteriors were filmed in the Canary Islands, and Canarian actors appear in some of the scenes. In this regard, Laura Alvea states that she finds it “wonderful” that the real accents of the actors are shown in the films and, in her case, it is what she has allowed with the island actors. “From the moment we proposed that the story was going to take place in the Canary Islands, I said that we had to take advantage of the fact that they were Canarian actors. I find productions in which the actors use their own accent wonderful.“, he added.

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