“Recognizing the State of Palestine is an encouraging prospect”

The writer Amin Maloof, who publishes a new essay on world geopolitics ‘The Labyrinth of the Lost’ (Alliance), has stated that the recognition of Palestine as a State is “an encouraging perspective”, although it is not shown “too optimistic” about a solution to the conflict with Israel.

Although things are more complicated today, it would be encouraging if work could be done in that direction.“, the French writer noted in a meeting with the press, when asked about the recent decision of the Government of Spain for Palestinian recognition. “Setting a goal, saying that one day there will have to be two States, is something necessary“, has added.

Maalouf recognizes that the current moment is “convulsive” and there is a “threat” to world peace, but he does not believe that we are facing the doors of a new World War, but rather in a period of “cold war.” “We had the impression that a certain form of violent conflict had disappeared forever in European history and now there is a moment of fall and regression,” he lamented.

For example, the war in Palestine is part of that “threat” to peace, but also the conflict in Ukraine or a possible return to the US presidency of Donald Trump. “It would be quite worrying for Europe, because someone like Trump would be willing to deal with Putin behind the backs of the Europeans,” he warned.

The Prince of Asturias Award for Literature 2010 has focused on the “trivialization” that is being done by new generations of nuclear weapons. “Previously, a military confrontation with nuclear warheads was considered unthinkable.there was the memory of Hiroshima and the image of such a war was unthinkable, but probably There are generations that are not immunized against that.“, has explained.

In any case, the author recalled that in recent decades violence has been present in almost all geopolitical movements and, therefore, “there has never really been a period of true peace. That is why he does not qualify the current situation of “complete surprise”, despite admitting that What is happening now with Palestine or Ukraine is “more violent” than what has happened in recent years.


With the upcoming European elections, Maaloouf has shown himself to be a “convinced” pro-European, although he is not sure of the role these elections can play. “I still have the dream of a united Europe that begins to play a more important role for the world“, he defended.

In this sense, the French writer understands that Europe’s role could be to offer “stability, peace and reconciliation”, although right now it is not fulfilling this and the elections are not going to change the course. “The balance of forces will change in the European Parliament, but frankly I don’t get the feeling that this change will translate into a more important role for Europe at some point“, he highlighted, also adding that the European elections have more of a “life-size poll” role than an election.

By Editor

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