Georges Eddy, Patrick Montel… The Comédie-Française revisits the “ephemeral genius” of sports commentators

“How hard it is to be a commentator. I won’t do it anymore. » 2004, Athens, the modest Jean Rochefort covers the Olympic equestrian events on France Télévisions. His unrivaled verve and pure class give the show a unique flavor.

Twenty years later, who has forgotten these suspended moments? Not Benjamin Lavernhe. The member of the Comédie-Française – and face of French cinema – is offering a play from this Thursday, June 6, honoring the sports commentator. The creation will be available online until the end of the year and is part of the Olympic programming. His title ? “After that, I think we can die peacefully”, a direct reference to Thierry Roland, who one evening in July 1998 took 20 million French people in his wake towards paradise.

By Editor

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