Garamendi, Carmen Calvo and Ángel Gabilondo will analyze the changes in Spain in two centuries with works from the Prado

The Prado Museum has presented the initiative ‘The Spain of the 19th century seen by the Spain of today’תin which representatives of institutions, employers and unions will participate to analyze the changes that have arisen over two centuries through works in the art gallery.

This project can be continued on the Instagram channel of the Museo Nacional del Prado on June 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 at 9:50 a.m. and each of these personalities has chosen a work to comment on and reflect on society then and now.

The Prado has invited the Ombudsman, Angel Gabilondothe president of the Council of State, Carmen Calvothe president of Caritas, Manuel Breton or the president of the General Council of the Judiciary, Vicente Guilarte.

The president of the National Cancer Research Center, María Blasco, and the president of the CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, will also participate, along with the general secretaries of UGT and CC.OO., José Álvarez and Unai Sordo, respectively, to comment on a work by your choice of the more than 300 that make up ‘Art and social transformations in Spain (1885-1910)’.

The objective is to use the chosen works as a basis for reflection on the shortcomings of that time, the changes produced and the progress registered by our country in all areas, as well as pointing out possible improvements or pending tasks for our society,” the museum has highlighted.

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