TV audiences: 15.3 million viewers in total for Emmanuel Macron, BFMTV ahead of CNews

Although shorter, TF1’s election evening preceded that of France 2 this Sunday, June 9. As for news channels, whose audiences were only published at 11 a.m. this Monday morning, BFMTV largely dominated its rival CNews, which was the leader for the entire month of May. In detail, 1.4 million people were watching BFMTV between 8 and 9 p.m., or 6.2% of the public. The channel, which is in the process of being bought by CMA-CGM, Rodolphe Saadé’s group, is close behind M 6 and France 3 at that time.

CNews is two steps behind with 1.05 million followers (4.6%), and has 10,000 more viewers than the Canadian Grand Prix broadcast on its big sister Canal +. Half as many as LCI and its 520,000 faithful during this key hour of election night.

VideoEmmanuel Macron dissolves the National Assembly after the defeat in the Europeans

In total, 15.3 million people heard the President of the Republic announce the dissolution of the National Assembly live. To the 11.8 million French people watching TF1 and France 2 between 8:59 p.m. and 9:04 p.m., we must add 1.56 million on BFMTV, 920,000 on CNews, 582,000 on LCI, and 475,000 on franceinfo. 64.7% of the public present at that moment in front of a television watched Emmanuel Macron’s speech.


Over the entire day, BFMTV recorded a 5.1% market share. It is the fifth channel in France behind France 2 (21.2%), TF1 (18.2%), France 3 (6.7%) and M 6 (6.3%). CNews is sixth (3.6%), while LCI is between C8 and RMC Découverte with 2.2%. franceinfo is at the bottom of the ranking at 1%, like Gulli and NRJ12.

By Editor

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