Animal activists vandalize the official portrait of King Charles of England with an image of 'Wallace and Gromit'

The animal rights activist group, ‘Animal Rising’vandalized the recent portrait this Tuesday officer of King Charles III of England,which is in the Philip Mold Gallery (London), with an image of one of the characters from the British animated series ‘Wallace y Gromit’ that the same entity has disseminated on its website.

In addition, above the painting, the work of artist Jonathan Yeo, activists have placed a sign that reads “no cheese, Gromit. Look at all this cruelty on RSPCA farms!” This refers to the alleged cruelty to animals on several farms certified by the Royal Humane Society, a British charity.

According to activists, the painting has not been damaged, since the stickers have been glued by “spraying them with water” and they report that they are “easily removable” from the painting.

“With King Charles being a huge fan of ‘Wallace and Gromit’, we couldn’t think of a better way to draw his attention to the horrific scenes on RSPCA farms.. “While we hope this will amuse Her Majesty, we also ask that she seriously reconsider whether she wants to be associated with the horrific suffering on RSPCA farms,” ​​wrote one of those involved in the vandalisation, Daniel Juniper, on the ‘Animal Rising’ page and then added that last Sunday they published a report that showed the “cruelty” hidden in the industry.

By Editor

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