Women occupy 38% of positions of responsibility in Spanish feature films compared to 62% of men, according to CIMA

Women occupy a 38% of positions of responsibility in the Spanish feature film sector compared to 62% of men,according to the report ‘Women in the Spanish feature film sector 2023’which was presented this Friday by the Association of Women Filmmakers and Audiovisual Media (CIMA) in the Auditorium of the Ministry of Culture, and which shows that This is a still “masculinized” sector.

The study was carried out on the 201 feature films submitted to the Goya Film Academy Awards, in which a total of 3,041 professionals in positions of responsibility participated. (1,157 women and 1,884 men).

The difference is worse in management positions, where men represent 71 percent and women 29 percent, while in production men represent 68 percent and women 31 percent.

At the same time, there are also more men in scriptwriting (65%) than women (35%), something that also happens in cinematography (81% compared to 19%), in musical composition (70% compared to 30%). , in sound (76% compared to 24%) and in special effects (70% men and 30% women).

Furthermore, in assembly, 69% of professionals are men compared to 31% women.

The biggest gap between men and women occurs in wardrobe and makeup positions. In the case of the latter, women reach 81% and men 19%. This difference is even greater in clothing, where women make up 85% of the professionals and men make up 15%.

Women also represent a higher percentage in artistic direction, with 64% compared to 36% of men. The production management category is the one that achieves the most equality, being made up of 51% women and 49% men.

On the other hand, the document analyzes the participation of men and women in fiction, documentary and animation films. In the three genres there is a large representation of men, reaching 78% in animation, compared to 22% of women; 62% of men in the documentary and 38% of women; and in fiction 61% are men and 39% are women.

According to data, The gender gap is reducing, achieving an average growth of eight percentage points in the nine years recorded.. CIMA highlights that since there has been a greater development of positive actions, the representation of women in the feature film sector has had an average growth of 10 percent.


The document also reveals that in 2023, through the recognition of costs, a gender economic gap of -42% is reflected, and this means that feature films directed by women have lower costs than feature films that are directed by men.

In this sense, the document adds that despite the general aid, which has had a budget of 62 million euros that have reached 52 feature films, the economic gender gap calculated based on the occupation of directors of feature films is -4%.

The results of the cost recognition carried out in 2023 refer to a total of 84 feature films. Feature films directed by women represent 37% of those that have gone through this procedure, those with mixed direction represent 1% and the remaining 68% are directed by men.

In the case of the scripts, 37% are signed by women, 23% have a mixed script and 40% exclusively by men. In relation to the occupation of exclusive production, women represent 85% and those produced exclusively by men represent 15%. On the other hand, of the 63 feature films that have received support from mainstream television in 2023, 44% are directed by women.

Regarding the films released in 2023 by the platforms, 27% are directed by women compared to 73% by men. After the script, there were 15% women, 20% men and women and 64% men.


Regarding the recognitions and festivals, the representation of female directors and/or screenwriters in the different recognitions studied is 38% compared to 62% of men with similar recognition.

According to CIMA, this percentage distribution continues to set a masculinized pattern in public recognition despite being increasingly closer, 2 percentage points, to minimum intervals of equity.

On the other hand, The frequency of recognition obtained by female directors and/or screenwriters is 13 out of every 100, while that obtained by directors and/or screenwriters is 11 out of 100. The report concludes that, although the representativeness in the recognition pattern is lower, the frequency of recognition is higher. The representation of women in these recognitions has grown 27 points in 9 years.

Finally, 31% of the feature films analyzed have exclusively featured female protagonists compared to 28% with male protagonists and 42% with both sexes as protagonists. Feature films directed by women and starring exclusively by women account for 13% compared to 7% starring exclusively by men.

By Editor

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