A new album and a first Bercy for the rapper Lacrim: “I am a kind of miracle”

“If rappers start arriving early, where are we going? » Our remark makes Lacrim smile. “Towards pop,” he laughs. This hip-hop figure, as popular – one million albums sold – as he is respected by his peers, is half an hour early for our meeting… However, he (re) comes from far away. The artist recounts his chaotic journey with remarkable talent and sincerity in his new album, “Veni Vidi Vici”. He came, he saw and he conquered… his demons.

Karim Zenoud did not choose his artistic name by chance, he who served ten years in prison, but for five years he has taken the path of peace and redemption. The troubles with the law, the ongoing cases, it’s over, he tells us. Married, father of a two-year-old daughter, at 39 he prioritizes his music and his family.

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