At the Théâtre des Abbesses, many are betting on the right horse

CRITIQUE – Bertrand Bossard and his animal offer a joyful “six-legged comedy”.

«If you want to take photos, now is the time. Afterwards, it will no longer be possible. warns Bertrand Bossard, who trots quietly and without a saddle on Akira – a Lusitano thoroughbred known as “Kiki” – while the audience settles on the stands of the Théâtre des Abbesses. Dark suit over Hawaiian shirt with flowers and horse heads, the experienced rider guides his mount with the help of spurs. A disco ball and colored spotlights joyfully illuminate his laps in the carousel covered with cut-up and crushed pieces of grayish carpet (scenography by Leah Chalupt Clavel).

This funny “stand-up” presented as a “six-legged comedy” recounts the journey of Bertrand Bossard and his beloved horse. They met twelve years ago at the Théâtre du Centaure in Marseille. Two marriages, two divorces, five children – ” it’s too much “ -, for the first. A bad breakout and an uncertain future for the second. Because it was him, because it was me. They found each other. The 57-year-old all-terrain artist speaks with humor and self-deprecation about their passionate, exclusive friendship. “No, my wife, you have no reason to be jealous, it has nothing to do with it. » Stephan Eicher chante “I don’t have any friends like you, oh no no no, no other friends like you”.

In harmony with nature

Video images look back at their beginnings. “You don’t blame me, eh, for saying that you’re lazy”, he whispered in her ear. At his side, Kiki is very wise. He smiles (yes, yes), listens to her, walks around, begs for a caress or a treat, yawns at the crows too. He saw others during training sessions. Bertrand Bossard not only wants to make people laugh, he wants to be accessible to everyone. At the age of 17, this budding teacher was vice-champion of France in team eventing. He explains every word in the equestrian lexicon. At the risk of interrupting the rhythm of this patchwork show.

Lit by Bertrand Blayo, the two friends play together for a little over an hour. Bertrand Bossard talentedly portrays various characters such as a horse seller or the veterinarian who invites him to make, or not, the decision to castrate Kiki. Due to old age – one year for a man is equivalent to three years for a horse – the lucky owner shows how he now rides his favorite animal. With him, he learned to be in harmony with nature, remembers the day when he took the trouble to listen to his partner by putting himself in his place. Emotional sequence, they were in danger.

Sometimes they are interrupted. A groom, Maëlle Dreveton, French amateur aerobatics champion in pas de deux, offers Akira a drink, then explains to his master that he must make him work in a balanced manner. Then the facetious man becomes serious again. Moving and magical, the final scene of Several worth the trip alone.

Severalat the Théâtre des Abbesses (Paris 18e), until June 22. Telephone: And at Cent quatre-Paris (19e), from January 31 to February 2, 2025.

By Editor

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