Top chef Gordon Ramsay received a bruise the size of his side in a bicycle accident: “It's been a rough week” – Culture

Ramsay says in a video published on social media that he had a cycling accident that he would not have survived without a helmet.

Top chef and media personality Gordon Ramsay says he got into a bad bike accident in the US that he wouldn’t have survived without a helmet.

Ramsay told about it in a video he published on his social media channels on Saturday. According to him, the accident happened earlier this week in the state of Connecticut.

Ramsay says in the video that he was hospitalized due to the accident, but was spared from broken bones or serious injuries. However, his side is covered in a purple bruise all over.

He describes his condition as shocked.

“I’m in pain. It’s been a rough week, and I’m somehow getting through it,” he describes in the video.

In the video, Ramsay emphasizes the importance of wearing a bicycle helmet. He says he is alive thanks to the helmet.

Ramsay posted a picture of his helmet on Instagram, which is badly damaged after the accident.

British Ramsay is one of the most internationally known top chefs. He rose to fame especially from reality TV series, the most popular of which is the reality competition he has been running since 2005 Hell’s Kitchen.

Ramsay owns restaurant chains in Britain and the United States.

By Editor

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