Hanouna on Europe 1: Arcom alerts the radio about comments made on air

Cyril Hanouna already under surveillance. Barely 48 hours after the arrival of the C8 host on Europe 1, Arcom, according to our information, sent a letter this Wednesday to Constance Benqué, the president of the station. In its missive, the audiovisual regulator first warns the radio concerning the “significant over-representation” of the Les Républicains party on the air between June 11 and 16.

A week marked, it must be said, by particularly dense news from this party, now fractured between supporters of Eric Ciotti, in favor of an alliance with the National Rally, and those who are opposed to it. The administrative authority thus notes an “underexposure” of the National Rally, the Ecologists, the Socialist Party and LFI, asking the radio to ensure the rebalancing of speaking times between now and the end of the legislative campaign.

Secondly, Arcom also provides a response to a request made by Europe 1 two days after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron. The Vivendi group’s media wants to be able to co-broadcast election evenings and debates between candidates with CNews, the same group’s news channel. No problem, essentially replied the institution chaired by Roch-Olivier Maistre, but on condition that these programs do not exceed the co-broadcasting ceiling authorized by the radio convention, i.e. 2 hours 15 minutes per day.


As a reminder, the station already offers during the week, simultaneously with channel 16, a half-hour of “Heure des pros” (Pascal Praud) from 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m., and an hour of “Punchline” (Laurence Ferrari) from 6 p.m. hours to 7 p.m.

Éric Zemmour, Matthieu Vallet, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Manuel Valls

Without naming it directly, the audiovisual regulator finally alerts the broadcaster regarding “On marche sur la tête”, the daily news by Cyril Hanouna, on the air since Monday, surrounded in particular by Éric Naulleau, Valérie Bénaïm and Gauthier Le Bret, political journalist on CNews. Scheduled from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. for the next two weeks, this program intends to provide a “decryption” of the campaign for the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7.

During its first two issues, the format of the C8 star notably interviewed Éric Zemmour, Matthieu Vallet (National Rally), Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Manuel Valls, Loïc Signor (presidential majority) and Guilhem Carayon, president of the Young Republicans and supporter of Eric Ciotti. But no representative of the New Popular Front, an electoral coalition that Cyril Hanouna and his columnists have also targeted several times in the first two issues of their show.

Evoking the “recent changes to the program schedule” of Europe 1, Arcom thus reminds the station of the “need” to “treat electoral news with moderation and honesty” and to ensure “a plurality of points of view” concerning the guests and columnists present around the table. In conclusion, the PAF gendarme asks the radio station to communicate to him “as quickly as possible” the measures it intends to take to ensure compliance with its “obligations”.

When contacted, Arcom did not wish to comment.

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