“Les Infallibles” on Prime Video: a police comedy with Inès Reg, between heaviness and clichés

The actress Inès Reg is making her return to the small screen… and it is not very glorious. His new film “Les Infallibles”, an unoriginal detective comedy, is released this Thursday on Prime Video. At the heart of a controversy after his altercation with Natasha St-Pier in “Dancing with the Stars” on TF1, the comedian had shown great discretion in recent weeks. She had, however, been talked about again following the postponement of the filming of her TV film “Ado mais trop” planned for the private channel.

So here she is as a heroine on the Amazon platform. In “Les infallibles”, Inès Reg plays Alia Samani, a Marseille police officer full of energy sent against her will to Paris to revitalize a stalling investigation into a gang of robbers. To add to her discontent, she is supported by a Parisian police officer, Hugo Beaumont, played by Kévin Debonne, the actress’s ex-partner in life. Despite her persistent desire to prove herself within the service, the latter makes a series of blunders while Alia adopts unconventional methods that hardly suit her. The two teammates, despite being polar opposites, find themselves forced to work together on this affair which involves explosions, chases and the resurgence of family secrets.

If the couple has, in the past, put glitter in the eyes of Internet users, their duo on screen is much less explosive, with an unbelievable acting performance and a considerable lack of chemistry. On the contrary, the responses are heavy to the point of causing a certain unease. The scenario, for its part, has an air of déjà vu. And it is far from keeping you in suspense for the entire duration of the film, between stunts lacking rhythm, villains without charisma and inconsistencies. It is relatively easy to predict each passage.


Finally, the classic rivalry between Parisians and Marseillais gives rise to a few laughs without however distinguishing itself from the usual clichés. “Les Infallibles” is in line with these many nice comedies, but without much interest.

By Editor

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