Urtasun assures that it will defend LGTBI+ rights and Pride against the “attacks” and “censorship” of PP and Vox

The Minister of Culture, Ernest Urtasun, has assured that the “defense” of the rights of the LGTBI+ group is what “guides” the Ministry’s actions and has highlighted the “cultural rights plan” in which the creative contributions of the community in Spanish culture. In this sense, he has assured that he will defend LGTBI + rights and Pride against the “attacks” and “censorship” of PP and Vox.

During the Government control session in the Senate, Urtasun announced that, to accompany the “civic demonstration” that he hopes will be Pride Day in Spain, the museums are preparing “all kinds of activities” in collaboration with the ministry. of Equality. Meanwhile, from the Institute of Cinematography, they have begun to collaborate with the Audiovisual Diversity Observatory to prepare a report on diversity and the LGTBI+ perspective in audiovisual production.

The senator of the Confederal Left parliamentary group, Carla Delgado Gómez Monago, has brought to the Senate Government’s control session the “censorship” of works or films and the implementation of measures that “erase LGTBI+ historical memory”, which take place in autonomous governments in which the right governs with the extreme right.

Gómez has thus made reference to the censorship of the play ‘Orlando’ by Virginia Woolf in Valdemorillo (Madrid) or the withdrawal of the children’s film ‘Lightyear’ in Cantabria last July 2023.

Thus, Urtasun has assured that he is “perfectly aware” that from the regional governments with a coalition between the Popular Party and Vox, regional laws that defend LGTBI+ rights are “attacked”, as well as the Pride demonstrations by practicing “censorship.” .

“I want to say it in a very clear way, this Ministry of Culture is going to stand up to these attacks and will always defend the rights of the LGTBI+ group. They are not the rights of a single group, they are collective rights of all Spaniards and therefore from “I tell you here in a very clear way. Pride, senator, is our culture,” he reiterated during his response, which began by assuring that it is a “pride” to listen to “a historical fighter” from Spain in the Senate.

Also, Urtasun has explained that the recently created Historical Archive of Social Movements, the struggles of the LGTBI+ movements in Spain will have “a very important role” so that both historians and society as a whole can know “the contribution” that these movements lent.

By Editor

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