The Cultural Bonus doubles the requests on its first day compared to last year, up to more than 21,000

He Young Cultural Bonus has doubled the requests received in its first 24 hours compared to last year, until reaching 21,340 applications,according to the Government spokesperson and Minister of Education, Vocational Training and Sports, Pilar Alegría.

In a press conference after the Council of Ministers, Alegría has defended this initiative that, together with the also recently announced Summer Youth Program, “demonstrates the clear commitment” of the Government to young Spaniards..

Starting this past Monday, young people born in 2006 can apply for the Young Cultural Bonus in a new edition of this program. This is an aid of 400 euros that beneficiaries can allocate to the acquisition and enjoyment of cultural products, services and activities.

To apply, young people who have turned or will turn 18 in 2024 must register and complete the application procedure on the new website until next September 16.

It will be essential that, in advance, interested parties obtain one of these three forms of digital identification: Cl@ve with basic registration (which can be requested and obtained by video call), Cl@ve with advanced registration (in person and for those who do not have still reached the age of 18) or the digital Certificate.

Young people interested in applying for the Youth Cultural Bonus can complete the process in person or through the representation of an adult., for which it is necessary to attach the downloadable representation form on the website, correctly signed by the beneficiary. In these cases, the family book is not a document accrediting representation.

Young people who turn 18 in 2024 who are of Spanish nationality are entitled to this aid., have legal residence in Spain, are asylum seekers, temporarily displaced or formerly protected foreigners. According to data from the National Institute of Statistics, there are more than 525,000 potential beneficiaries throughout the country.


Since the granting of aid, Young people have one year to use the 400 euros on cultural products or services in the participating establishments, which already exceed 3,300 throughout Spain. The Young Cultural Bonus works with a prepaid card that the beneficiary can have virtually on their mobile phone or receive physically at their home.

With this card you can enjoy cultural experiences and products, which are divided into three sections to promote diversification of spending, with the following distribution: 100 euros for physical products, for example, books, press or records; 100 euros for digital products, such as subscriptions to platforms, digital press, podcasts or online video games and 200 euros for performing arts: theater, opera, cinema, dance and museums.

By Editor

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