After a request from the mayor, P. Diddy returned the key to New York City

“Deeply disturbed!”… are the terms used by Eric Adams, the mayor of New York, in a letter addressed to P.Diddy at the beginning of June, summoning him to return the key to the city. A decision taken after CNN broadcast images last month of the rapper violently hitting his ex-girlfriend Cassie, we learn TMZ . The key was returned to the city on June 10, according to the town hall.

“I strongly condemn these actions and stand in solidarity with all victims of domestic and gender-based violence”adds the city councilor before emphasizing that the key to the city “is given to model citizens” dont “service rendered to the public and the common good rises to the highest level of success.” P.Diddy received this honor less than a year ago, last September. “Receiving the key to New York City, the very city that shaped me, is an honor and an incredible moment in my life” declared the rapper who grew up in Harlem. Before bidding: “This city gave me triumphs, life lessons and love”

The global star and billionaire of hip-hop has been overtaken since 2023 by numerous accusations of rape, sexual exploitation and physical and psychological violence. Allegations that the singer has always denied. But the images revealed by CNN, dated 2016, show an unleashing of violence by the rapper against his partner at the time cannot be disputed. We see him simply wearing a towel around his waist, joining Cassie in a hotel corridor, grabbing her roughly and throwing her violently to the ground, before kicking her several times. In a video posted to his Instagram account after the video was broadcast, P.Diddy apologized for his behavior “disgusting”explaining that since then, he has sought treatment, particularly for his addictions.

New York City Hall is not the only one to have sanctioned the rapper. Howard University followed suit. Nicknamed “Black Harvard” because it has a majority of African-American students – it canceled the honorary diploma granted to P. Diddy in 2014. The university also announced, Friday June 7, to interrupt a course in the name of the rapper and return the million dollars (928,000 euros) which he had donated to the faculty.

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