The federal Ministry of Culture (SC) will reallocate 596 million 800 thousand pesos of its budget to carry out efficiently and effectively the works, the executive projects, as well as all the acquisitions of inputs required to conclude the Bosque de Chapultepec Cultural Complex Project, was reported in the modifying resource allocation agreement that was published yesterday in the Official Journal of the Federation.

The document details that this money will be allocated to the construction of infrastructure to carry out actions conducive to creating a cultural and artistic space in the Chapultepec Forestwhich includes projects, civil works, complementary works, induced works, professional services and/or technical support, consultancies, studies, environmental and social mitigation measures, compensation and/or restitution for damage to goods or services and acquisitions required for the projects of Constituciónntes Avenue, the Panteón Dolores, the interconnection of Museums, the Internal Sustainable Transportation circuit, the National Art Warehouse and Arts and Crafts Workshops, the Chivatito Connection Pass and the Chapultepec National Cinematheque.

In March 2024, it was determined that there would be 538 million that the SC would reallocate to carry out works efficiently and effectively in charge of the Secretaries of the Environment (Sedema) and of Works and Services (Sobse).

This new agreement adds up to an amount of 58 million in order to guarantee its continuityand leaves the execution of the work only to Sobse.

More than 10,500 million pesos have been invested in the Chapultepec Project and, according to the head of the SC, it should be completed in August, turning that place into the largest cultural forest in the world, with an area of ​​more than 800 hectares.

By Editor

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