Summer on tour for the finalists of the Campiello Prize

“The summer tour of the finalists begins in Rome and will visit 16 locations throughout Italy, for a summer dedicated to literature thanks to the Campiello Prize, which will continue to Jesole and the Lido of Venice before arriving at the Gran Teatro La Fenice on September 21st for the final awards ceremony. It is a precious opportunity for the public to meet the protagonists of contemporary literature and to deepen their knowledge of their works”. Enrico Carraro, president of the Il Campiello Foundation and Confindustria Veneto, said this at the start of the literary events at the Terrace of the Civita Association in Piazza Venezia.

The meeting was dedicated to the presentation of the finalist authors of the 2024 Campiello Prize, present together for the first time: Antonio Franchini with “The fire that you carry inside” (Marsilio), Federica Manzon with “Alma” (Giangiacomo Feltrinelli), Michele Mari with “Locus Desperatus” (Giulio Einaudi editore), Vanni Santoni with “Spread everywhere” (Laterza), Emanuele Trevi with “La casa del Mago” (Ponte alle Grazie).

The event, hosted by Giancarlo Leone, television manager and president of the Audiovisual Producers Association (Apa), was also attended by Luca Zaia, president of the Veneto Region, Mariacristina Gribaudi, President of the Management Committee of the Campiello Prize, Angelo Camilli, president of Unindustria Roma, and Simonetta Giordani, general secretary of the Civita Association. “We are convinced supporters of the Campiello Prize, born 17 years after the end of the Second World War by a group of enlightened Venetian entrepreneurs, convinced that the company had to give something back also on the cultural front – said Zaia – The Campiello Prize has become rapidly over time a point of reference in national culture and at the same time it has grown in the area and increasingly involved young people. It should then be remembered – concluded the governor – that Campiello has become a great incubator of culture in Veneto and this for for us is a decidedly important aspect.”

The summer tour of the Campiello finalists is “an initiative – added Carraro – which fits perfectly into the spirit of the Prize, which has always had the aim of spreading culture and the love of reading among people”.

The appointments to meet the authors will continue on Thursday 20 June in Turin, at 9.00 pm, at the Congress Center of the Union of Industrialists of Turin and continue on Tuesday 25 June, at 8.00 pm, at the Vanvitelli Fountain in the Historic Port of Civitavecchia (Rome). The following day, Wednesday 26 June the tour will arrive in Tivoli (Rome), at 6.00 pm, at the Piazzetta della Sibilla and then on Thursday 27 June, at 9.00 pm in Teramo, at 9.00 pm, at Piazza Sant ‘Anna.

On Wednesday 3 July the writers will be in Milan, at 6.30pm, at Gio Ponti’s Palazzo Assolombarda while on Thursday 4 July there will be a stop in Cornuda (Treviso), at the Tipoteca Auditorium starting at 9.00pm. On Friday 5 July we continue with the stage in Udine at 6.00 pm at the Torre di Santa Maria and then resume on Monday 8 July in Gallipoli (Lecce), from 9.00 pm in Piazza Tellini.

On Tuesday 9 July the authors will be in Marina di Brindisi, at 7.00 pm, at the Tourist Port while on Wednesday 10 July it will be the turn of Bisceglie (Barletta-Trani) at Largo Castello from 8.00 pm. The subsequent meetings will be held on Wednesday 24 July at 6.00 pm in Folgaria (Trento) in Piazza Guglielmo Marconi and Thursday 25 July, at 5.30 pm, in Piazza Duomo in Asiago (Vicenza). The last three matches will be held on Friday 26 July, at 5.30 pm, at the Alexander Girardi Hall in Cortina (Belluno), Saturday 27 July, at 9.00 pm in Piazza Milano in Jesolo (Venice) and Sunday 28 July at the Lido of Venice at the Hotel Ausonia&Hungaria starting from 6:00 pm. After this busy calendar of appointments with the authors, the winner of the 62nd edition of the Campiello Prize will be proclaimed on Saturday 21 September at the “Gran Teatro La Fenice”, selected by the vote of the Jury of Three Hundred Anonymous Readers.

Furthermore, some meetings are planned with Fiammetta Palpati, winner of the Campiello Opera Prima Award with the novel “La casa delle orphane bianca” (Laurana Editore). It will be possible to meet the author on Friday 21 June in Foligno, Thursday 27 June in Piazzetta Sant’Anna in Teramo, Monday 1 July at the Fondaco dei Tedeschi in Venice, Saturday 13 July in Fiuggi (Frosinone) and Friday 9 August in Jesolo (Venice ).

By Editor

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