Convicted of sexual assault, Dominique Boutonnat leaves head of the CNC

The former head of the CNC was sentenced on Friday by the Nanterre criminal court to three years in prison, one of which was firm, for sexually assaulting his godson in August 2020.

The president of the National Center for Cinema (CNC), Dominique Boutonnat, was sentenced on Friday, June 28, by the Nanterre Criminal Court to three years in prison, one of which was firm, for sexually assaulting his godson in August 2020, a case for which associations had called for his departure. Dominique Boutonnat immediately announced his departure from the CNC.

« This case is the perfect demonstration of what sexual assault is. The abuse of authority and the notion of control have been recognized by the courts. My client’s victim status was recognized, which is what he expected from this trial. “, reacted Caroline Toby, lawyer for the civil party.

The court found that the acts described at the hearing on June 14 would “particularly far in the context of a sexual assault“. Dominique Boutonnat will have to serve his one-year prison sentence at home with an electronic bracelet, he said.

More information to come…

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