“Surreal alarmism writers, in Italy there is cultural pluralism”

“I received the letter and did not join.” The historian Alessandro Campi tells AdnKronos that he did not sign the letter sent to Jurgen Boos, director of the Buchmesse, and to Innocenzo Cipoletta, president of the Italian Publishers Association, by forty writers who express their “concern” for the management put in place field from our country complaining about “the interference of politics”.

“I don’t share the polemical objective of Giordano’s letter – states Campi – not even a very implicit one: to accredit the idea that in Italy there is a climate of intolerance and persecution towards writers and intellectuals. And that the fault of this climate would be, it goes without saying, of the right-wing government in office. The alarmism that they want to spread is surreal and even a little ridiculous. In Italy there is actually a regime of full cultural pluralism that in certain circles of the left, self-referential, little interested in confrontation of ideas, not without intolerant streaks, accustomed to having every cultural space under its control, evidently does not appeal. Among the hundred authors called to represent Italy in Frankfurt, just read their names, the most diverse sensibilities and sensibilities are represented. experiences. Why don’t we want to recognize it just for a banal and manifest ideological prejudice disguised as moral indignation?”, asks Campi.

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