Actress Mathilde Seigner denies close ties with Jordan Bardella

An investigation relayed by Glitz, who imagines the cultural sector at the time of the National Rally, declared that the actress had been organizing dinners bringing together Jordan Bardella and actors for over a year. She announced that she was filing a complaint for defamation.

“I do not belong to or support any political movement”Mathilde Seigner said on her Instagram account on Saturday. According to an article published by the media Glitz and relayed by The world the actress would organize “for over a year, dinners bringing together actors, chefs and athletes around Jordan Bardella”. She denied the allegation on her Instagram account.

“It is unbearable that journalists spread such lies without even bothering to contact me or check their “sources””she said. The investigation published by the newspaper The world draws the landscape of the world of culture if the National Rally came to power. The article evokes “attempts to censor culture by the extreme right”, which would cause “a break in a sector known to be left-wing, in particular by favoring heritage to the detriment of creation.” When discussing the difficulty that the National Rally would have in recruiting allies in the creative sector, the name of the actress was mentioned. These few lines were then circulated on the social network X.

“My lawyer will urgently file a complaint for public defamation against the press articles published in Glitz and in The world having broadcast this.” Following his message, the newspaper The world removed the passage mentioning the actress.

At the end of 2023, Mathilde Seigner played Simone Signoret in Bungalow 21, the play by Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt at the Théâtre de la Madeleine. After having “made bad films”, she believes in Le Figaro The actress does not rule out the idea of ​​returning to cinema, under the hat of artistic director. “I’m fed up with comedies, I want to explore the dramatic register more,” she said.

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