“Youth against the fascists”: Fianso, Akhenaton and around twenty rap figures will release an anti-RN song

The world of rap is rising up against the National Rally. Following the first round of the legislative elections which saw the far-right party come out on top, many voices have been raised against these results. Among them, that of French rap, which has always denounced the ideas of the far-right party through its lyrics.

Just hours after the results were published, rapper Fianso posted a story on his Instagram account in which he revealed an excerpt from a music video for a song called “No pasarán” (“They will not pass” in Spanish), a reference to the slogan chanted by the Spanish against Franco’s fascist regime in the 1930s.

In it we see images of Marine Le Pen, Jordan Bardella and Éric Zemmour, accompanied by images of far-right demonstrations, police violence and apocalyptic scenes. In this title which calls on young people to vote in the second round of the legislative elections, famous rappers such as Akhenaton, Soso Maness, Seth Gueko, Mc Tyer, Zola, Alkpote will appear. Kerchak, ISK, Pit Baccardi, Uzi, Ashe 22, RK, Cokein, Nahir, Relo, Decimo, Zed, Costa and Demi Portion are also part of the collaboration, which brought together around twenty rappers.


Contacted by Le Parisien, Fianso explains that he “participated in this piece because I grew up in the heritage of very sharp, committed French rap and which inspired me a lot. » And to continue: “Culture has its say and is intended to express itself on this typology of subjects. It was very important for me to participate. I am from the generation where rap does not dissociate itself from the message. »

“The new version of Youth annoys the National Front »

The producers DJ Kore and Ramdane Touhami are behind this project, launched the day after the results of the European elections, according to AFP. “My very dear friend DJ Kore and I have done the impossible by using all our connections and networks to challenge young people against the fascists,” he posted on Instagram.

Often incisive in its lyrics, “No pasarán” is peppered with punchlines addressed to Jordan Bardella, the boss of the RN, the Le Pen family (RN), or even Éric Zemmour (Reconquête!), underlines the AFP which was able to listen to the song.


“This is the new version of Youth annoys the National Front », punchline of a 40-year-old song frequently chanted in demonstrations against the extreme right, Ramdane Touhami wants to believe. This piece, which will be released this Monday, July 1 at 11:45 p.m., should last around ten minutes, and the funds generated by listening will be donated to the Abbé Pierre Foundation. Beyond this collective, other voices from the hip-hop sphere called for votes during the legislative campaign, like heavyweights like Soprano or DJ Snake.

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