Hollywood star Jessica Lange at the Munich Film Festival: Once madness and back – Culture

There is a scene that sticks in your head like a stone at the bottom of a cold lake: A young woman goes to see a psychiatrist, not entirely voluntarily, the judge sent her, but she smiles, the doctor is also in a good mood and jokes around. He says that he has been following his patient’s film career and is looking forward to helping her out of her predicament. She is still smiling, then she suddenly stands up. Does he think he has a better insight into her than she does herself? She should please sit down again, he says anxiously, “Simon says”, as if it were a child’s game, to somehow find his way back to cheerfulness. Then she suddenly yells at him, saying that this is obviously a “fucking joke” for him, that she can look after herself very well. Then she tilts her head, her pretty face now a grimace of anger, distorted by madness, as if a demon has taken possession of her. “All I need is a bit of peace,” she whispers.

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