The architecture of the Bergson Kunstkraftwerk – Culture

It is clear that the conversation with the architect Markus Stenger will have to turn to the concert hall at some point, after all he has just built a cultural centre near Munich. And the Bergson Kunstkraftwerk in Aubing near Munich, which is actually the subject of this meeting, is everything that the concert hall is not. Finished, for example. Privately financed (by the brothers Michael and Christian Amberger, who run the Allguth petrol stations). An architectural masterpiece. Already full on many days. They also wanted to talk about the fact that no artistically valuable star architect’s design was erected in a prominent location, but that a historical building was brought into the present using architectural means. That the people of Munich are still scratching their heads as to why the city’s most sensational cultural building is now located somewhere behind the Westkreuz and just before the Allach motorway junction.

By Editor