“Young people becoming radicalized will certainly not lead us to anything good”

It is Wednesday, July 3 hits theaters ‘Bad person’,the new comedy by Fer García-Ruiz (‘Derailed’). The film, starring Arturo Valls, Malena Alterio and Julian Villagran,tells the story of Pepe, a unique and kind character who decides to become a despicable person when he finds out that he suffers from a terminal illness. A film that uses the “stereotype” that “one who is good is stupid” and that ““Behaving a little bad sells”something especially evident in these times when exacerbated populism and extremism are gaining ground.

“Young people becoming radicalized will certainly not lead us to anything good,” Valls warns in an interview given to Europa Press in which, in a joking tone, he points out Vladimir Putin or Pablo Escobar as the “evil” references he had when building the character of PepeA good man, but in his mutation into a despicable being, he ends up being hated by some, as he intends, but also idolized by others thanks to his extremist and ethically more than reprehensible attitudes and behavior.

The comedy engine in ‘Mala Persona’ is the transformation of his character and his turn towards radical positions that threaten everyone around him. “It’s all about not putting yourself on the other side. All these radical positions are about hating those who are not like you. “The issue is that it is easy for the most vulnerable people to be attracted to these attitudes,” explains the interpreter, referring to the rise of extremism.

“Sometimes human beings surprise you in their behavior. Obviously, given the situation we are experiencing, I am very surprised by the policies that are being developed,” Alterio points out. The director goes further and delves into the channels that these positions use to spread their discourse: “Social networks are there to demonstrate this and give voice to messages that, perhaps, are not the most appropriate and reach too many people. It is good that we make a certain criticism in the film. We open up the possibility of expression to everyone and perhaps it is dangerous.”

“By portraying both characters, you have the empathy for others and the selfishness of thinking about one’s own benefit. Both extremes are represented, it is a reflection of society. It is like a song and an invitation to coexistence, to accept both ways of thinking and to try to live in the best way possible,” says Villarán about the polarity between Valls’ character and his own.

However, in Valls’ words, the difference between these attitudes and his character lies in the fact that Pepe adopts these repopulating behaviors “thinking of others.” “He wants to be a bad person but he can’t quite manage it”“, explains the actor who insists that the aim of the evils that his character perpetrates is noble, since he wants that, when he dies, nobody cries for his absence. However, the interpreter of ‘Cámera Café’ recognizes that at some point Pepe “maybe goes too far.”


Everyone agrees that “the appeal of the dark side” and “transgression” is that “rebellious” and “exciting” point, while “kindness is more boring.” “I think everyone has a mean side inside them that their social circle won’t let out. Watching this film you empathize and have fun seeing the darkest and most rogue side of the characters.“, says Villagran.

“Funnier things happen on the dark side. In fact, when our character starts to misbehave, he becomes more attractive, he starts to look more handsome, more interesting… We have this stereotype that if you’re good, you’re stupid. If you behave a little badly, you sell.”explains the director.

For García-Ruiz, who defines his film as “a slightly black comedy”, This genre is ideal for “telling this type of situation and creating characters that are bad or detestable” and that “are even liked at certain times.” Regarding the moral limits that have been established in recent years in humor and political correctness that for Valls “reigns in society,” Alterio says: “For a few years now we have been very thin-skinned when it comes to humor.. Seen from a context, one can laugh at everything. Laughter is a remedy, humor is essential.”

And, despite sympathizing with this “dark side”, Alterio defines herself as “a bit like Pepe”, and thinks that “in the long run” she is “calmer” if she tries to “empathize with the one who is watching” and to “generate good vibes” around her. Valls, for his part, qualifies the actress’s argument: “The other way I get things but I feel worse. But… as the film says, You have to be a little careful so that they don’t fool you.“You have to be a bit cunning so that the system in which we live doesn’t trick you,” says Villagrán.

By Editor

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