Violation of the privacy of Sarah Knafo, partner of Éric Zemmour: Closer, Public and Voici condemned

74,500 euros. This is the large sum that Closer, Public and Voici will have to pay to Sarah Knafo, Éric Zemmour’s partner. According to our information, these celebrity magazines were sentenced on June 24, 2024 by the Nanterre judicial court for invasion of her privacy and image. During the last presidential campaign, the three weeklies repeatedly published articles and stolen photos of the CNews polemicist and the woman they then described as a “very close advisor.”

It was Paris Match that opened the show, publishing on its front page, on September 22, 2021, a paparazzi of the not-yet-candidate taking a sea bath in La Seyne-sur-Mer (Var), hugging his campaign manager, who was then 28 years old. An issue that had infuriated the polemicist. “It seems that I am starting to worry enough for Paris Match, the poodle of power, to try to harm me. I will not let myself be intimidated,” he had declared at the time, announcing that he would file a complaint against the weekly. A year later, Paris Match was cleared, the courts considering that revealing this affair was “a matter of general interest debate.”

In November 2021, “Closer” headlined “Éric Zemmour – he’s going to be a dad”

Until the first round, in which Éric Zemmour was eliminated, the celebrity press regularly published photos of the couple. In November 2021, Closer headlined “Éric Zemmour – he’s going to be a dad”, while Public wrote four months later that the couple had “lost their baby”. Information? Fake news according to the authors of “L’Intrigante Sarah Knafo” (Robert Laffont), journalists Ava Djamshidi and François-Xavier Ménage, who revealed a few months later that Sarah Knafo was not pregnant at the time.


Nearly three years after the events, Closer, Public and Voici were therefore condemned in eight court decisions handed down on June 24 for violation of privacy and image rights.

“I am very happy that the tabloids are finally being condemned for the harassment they subjected me to for months with their paparazzi,” the new MEP from the Reconquête party told us.


In detail, Public, which published more than five articles on the couple, is the most heavily sanctioned and must pay them 45,500 euros in damages and reimbursement of legal costs. “Closer” is ordered to pay 21,000 euros. Voici, of which only one article was contested, must pay 8,000 euros. Contacted, Closer, Public and Voici did not respond to our requests.

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