“With a total intervention of 40 million euros, we will bring back to Saronno all our working reality and a significant museum recovery is planned. For Fnm the history of the group is of great value”. This is what was said Fulvio Caradonna, President of Ferrovienord and managing director of Fnm, spoke at the in-depth seminar organized by the Group in Milan, at the Sala dei Milanesi of the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, entitled ‘Museum, widespread museum, not museum. When passion for history is a business’. A meeting organized to address the current challenges of corporate culture and the role of companies in the growth and prosperity of the local community. During the seminar, Fnm illustrated the main cultural heritage actions of the Group, actions that “must be financed to ensure a relationship between the Group and the communities”, concludes Caradonna.

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