In the frame of the Hall of the Milanese of the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo of Milan, Fnm,the main integrated Group in sustainable mobility in Lombardy, has organised the in-depth seminar entitled ‘Museum, diffused museum, non-museum – When the passion for history is an undertaking’,in which we discussed how to face the current challenges of corporate culture, how values, beliefs and behaviors stratified over time can be codified and handed down to new generations and how this codification process can compose the immaterial identity of a community, even of a large territory: “In the current context that increasingly sees, in terms of social life, the affirmation of an often exasperated individualism, the company must be aware that it has a civil responsibility that is much more than corporate social responsibility. The Fnm Group has taken on the commitment to develop and carry forward the theme of civil responsibility which implies the awareness of being a community that is together because it has a goal and is connected to other communities. A community that must take care of the people who are part of it”. He stated Marco Piuri,general manager of Fnm, speaking of civil responsibility as a trait that distinguishes companies, as part of the fabric of reality and relationships.

We also talked about how a well-defined and deep-rooted identity fosters a positive impact on the territory through job creation, economic development, social responsibility and the valorization of cultural heritage. All this, in fact, makes the company an important player in the growth and prosperity of the local community.

In this context, the Fnm Group then underlined the role of culture as a mediator between the corporate reality and the universe of its stakeholders. It acts as a platform to translate and make immediately understandable the activities and the corporate modus operandi, which are nothing other than declinations of the corporate mission in the ecosystem in which it operates.

Culture facilitates this process, allowing citizens and communities to connect not only to products and services, but to what the company represents: a set of experiences, memories, expectations and aspirations. An effective cultural narrative allows you to permeate the collective fabric, entering into dialogue with personal and group experiences. It is essential, therefore, to understand culture not only as an ornament, but as a vital strategic asset. And this is where Fnm’s aspiration starts: to expand the typical concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) towards a more complete and integrated Corporate Cultural Responsibility (CCR), where culture becomes the fulcrum around which the entire corporate stratification revolves. Only in this way will it be possible to contribute to the construction of a truly receptive and dynamic social fabric, capable of facing the changes and challenges of the present and the future.

During the seminar, the main cultural heritage actions of the Fnm Group were illustrated, with a particular focus on the Mobility Museum that will be born in Saronno. ‘Sarò – il viaggio verso il futuro’ will be a real research hub on the future of mobility with permanent and temporary exhibitions, installations, immersive spaces, multimedia experiences, debates, shows, talks. All elements of a broad program of scientific-cultural activities aimed at everyone: “With a total intervention of 40 million euros, we will bring our entire working reality back to Saronno and a significant museum recovery is planned. For Fnm, the history of the group is of great value”, he stated Fulvio Caradonnapresident of Ferrovienord and managing director of Fnm.

Also present at the event Antonio Calabropresident of Museimpresa and director of the Pirelli Foundation, who then underlined the importance of the synergy between the Fnm Group and the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano: “The Veneranda Fabbrica is Milan, the Milan of factories, quality and beauty. At the same time, Fnm is one of the fundamental subjects of growth intrinsic to the dimension of a metropolis in which work is part of a series of relationships that belong to a fundamental function of citizenship. I believe that the dialogue between institutions that have a history and a future is a fundamental contribution to improving the quality of citizens’ awareness of their own identity and the construction of the future. Memory allows us to work responsibly on innovation”.

The Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo is the historic body responsible for the conservation and enhancement of the Milanese Cathedral. Guardian of a defined and deep-rooted identity: “With our initiatives we want to make the history of the Duomo known to tourists and bring it to life for the Milanese. We live off the tourism part and fundraising initiatives, one of these is the adoption of one of the 3,400 statues of the Duomo”, he stated Fulvio Pravadelligeneral director of the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo.

Since 1387, the institution has been responsible for the marble processing process, from excavation at the mother quarry of Candoglia, to processing at the Cantiere Marmisti in the Certosa area, up to the installation of the architectural and decorative elements on the Cathedral. The Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo thus conceived the ‘Adopt a statue’ project: “It is one of the 3,400 statues that were on the Cathedral and that were brought to the Cantiere Marmisti – continued Pravadelli – A few years ago, in agreement with the superintendency, we proposed to some companies some restored statues to be able to lend them for use by bringing them to the company or to particular places”.

The experience of cultural stratification, in many cases, produces remarkable heritages and collections that can interest a wide audience. For this reason, museums, open collections, and business galleries are created with good results in terms of attendance and added value.

The seminar addresses this imposing cultural choice by illustrating the rules of the game, the guidelines, the current challenges for the best engagement of the public and to attract investments and energies: “There is a fundamental expression when we talk about the Museum, ‘at the service of society’, that is also at the service of those people who do not go there. The Museum must question who it leaves out, any policy must try to involve the idea of ​​the community”, he said Giovanna Brambillaart historian, heritage education expert, head of territorial projects and audience development for the Regional Directorate of National Museums of Lombardy, during the panel ‘A museum in motion: the enterprise and its stories as a generator of emotional, cultural and social transport’.

Also emphasizing the importance of the experience of cultural stratification was Maria Elena Colombo, head of interpretation, accessibility, sharing at the Egyptian Museum and professor of Museology and Communication at the Catholic University, during the panel ‘The museum as narrator: complexity and rules’: “In the House Museums, container and content live in osmosis. The container has a fundamental role due to its position on the territory, its connection with the city and its ability to act as an easy diaphragm between outside and inside”.

By Editor

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