John Witt: “Angelina is ignorant, trapped in the Hollywood bubble and influenced by anti-Semitism”
Actor John Witt, Angelina Jolie’s father, once again comes out against his daughter’s political views regarding the war in Gaza – after she claimed that Israel is “murdering entire families”. In a new interview for the American magazine Variety, he says: “She calls it human rights, but it’s just anti-Israel propaganda”

The veteran actor John Witt, a big and well-known supporter of Israel, goes against his daughter Angelina Jolie again and attacks her in a new interview for the American magazine Variety and criticizes her political and pro-Palestinian views.

Witt slammed Jolie for being “influenced by anti-Semitic people” and propaganda from the United Nations, where she previously served as an ambassador for the refugee agency. “They call it human rights, but it’s just anti-Israel propaganda,” Witt said in an interview.

It is true that Witt stated in the interview time and time again that he was not interested in fighting with his daughter, but at the same time he blamed Angelina and claimed that she was “ignorant trapped in the Hollywood bubble” – and noted that she was not ready to discuss politics with him because of their completely different views.

John and Angelina have a complicated relationship, and have been estranged for a long time. In recent years, the father and daughter have grown closer after John took part in the Broadway show ‘The Outsiders’ – which Julie produced with her 15-year-old daughter Vivian.

As you may recall, already a month after October 7, Julie uploaded a post to her Instagram page in which she claimed that Israel is “murdering entire families, punishing women and children and dehumanizing millions of Palestinian citizens.” “Gaza has been an open prison for nearly two decades and is quickly becoming a mass grave,” wrote Jolie alongside photos of the ruins in Gaza. “40 percent of the dead are innocent children, children, women, families – are punished collectively and all this while withholding food, medicine and humanitarian aid, contrary to international law.”

A short time later, her father uploaded a video to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, in which he expressed his disappointment with his daughter, and explained his position on the war: “I am disappointed that my daughter, like many others, does not understand that their goal is to wipe out the land of the Jews. The Israeli army must protect The land is a war. Israel was attacked by a terrorist organization, which murdered helpless women and children, and you, in your stupidity, blame Israel.”

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