“I was robbed”: a dive into the heart of the heartbreak of the former YouTube duo Vilebrequin

“I discovered the real person too late,” laments Pierre Chabrier, in a video with a white background where he appears with a closed face, pausing a few times to collect his thoughts. “I can’t keep it to myself anymore because it hurts me, because people don’t know and think they know,” says the YouTuber with more than 400,000 subscribers.

Shortly after a video published by his former partner, the videographer addressed the “Loulous” – the community created by Vilebrequin – this Thursday, but not only. At the heart of this 39-minute film, he discusses his relationship with Sylvain Lyve, his behavior that he considers abusive and, in particular, his purchase of this famous Multipla, a shared car, emblematic of the YouTube channel.

“The number one French-language automotive media”, launched by the two friends in 2017, abruptly stopped in December 2023, although the YouTube channel was then reaching new heights, accumulating more than 2.5 million subscribers. Their last joint video, soberly titled “It’s over” and lasting 29 minutes, brings the two friends together to discuss “all the reasons” that led them to make this decision.


Behind this decision, a desire that seems common, that of “stopping like a good series, at the right time”. On good terms, each launched their own channel, on their own. Pierre then accumulated more than 400,000 subscribers, the second, a little more than a million… before accusations against him arose.

At the heart of the tensions, a Fiat Multipla

Announced as a surprise, a video was first published this Thursday by Sylvain Lyve. The latter tries out this famous white Multipla, which he announces as a “comeback”. “I found a way to get the Multipla back”, he says, assuring that other videos with the car are planned. This is what Pierre Chabrier feared, who had already prepared, for his part, “The truth about Vilebrequin and the 1000tipla”, attesting that he would do everything to get the vehicle back. “We put money into it for some of you, we also put sweat, blood sometimes, tears. So I will not leave things in this state”.

A vehicle that might seem insignificant if it had not been so symbolic of the channel… and if it had not raised more than a million euros. An astronomical sum, collected thanks to the “Loulous” in one month, after the launch of a kitty in 2020, with the aim of realizing a crazy idea: “to create the most powerful and fastest Fiat Multipla in the world with a minimum target of 1,000 hp”. A successful bet, especially when the racing car paraded on the circuit of the legendary 24 Hours of Le Mans (Sarthe), on July 7, 2023.

Video“It smokes everyone”: Vilebrequin’s Multipla 1300 CV attracts 55,000 fans to Magny-Cours

“He (Sylvain) sold the Multipla to himself, he bought it back without my agreement, to benefit from it alone. I still have hope in justice, the procedure was cancelled, all with the aim of being able to do it properly”, explains Pierre in his video, published shortly after that of his former partner. A purchase that he considers to have been “completely devalued compared to the amount that the Multipla is really worth”.


For his part, Sylvain Lyve spoke out on X this Friday, following these accusations. “The idea of ​​taking over the Multipla came to me from Pierre himself, who had already started the process on his side (…) I acted, before him, and I take full responsibility for it,” he argues.

“We agreed to keep our differences private, and I am sincerely saddened to see Pierre use this discord publicly to gain sympathy. The only communication he has given me to date is a letter from his lawyer,” continues Sylvain Lyve. Pierre Chabrier confirmed to Le Parisien that he intends to initiate legal proceedings, without providing further details.

“Seeing him gives me butterflies in my stomach.”

Coming back from a night out in a Jaguar, Pierre Chabrier remembers having “hoped from the bottom of my being to get off the road”. A trigger that pushed him to share the “injustice” he says he experienced: between the behavior of his former partner, who even “asked people to sign contracts prohibiting them from working and exposing themselves on social networks” alongside him, and the “odious” image given off by the duo, Pierre is still marked by one sentence: “If I stop filming, you can’t film anymore, then it’s over”.

The videographer adds that people would have “ended their careers because of him (Sylvain Lyve) “, but without giving any names. In trying to re-establish dialogue, he says he “was subjected to half a day of abject and insulting sermons.” “Sometimes, my agent came back in tears from a trip with him because he had spoken out, because he was very extreme,” he adds. All these behaviors were considered “difficult to live with on a daily basis.”

“I have nothing left, everything was taken from me in this story, I was stripped,” the YouTuber concludes. “Seeing his face on my YouTube feed, on social media, it makes me sick to my stomach,” he explains. Since this video, Sylvain Levy has lost more than 50,000 subscribers on YouTube, symbolically falling below the million mark. Pierre Chabrier assures us, for his part, that this is a “chapter” that he “wants to close.”

By Editor

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