“He called me to tell me he missed my father”: Paul Belmondo pays tribute to Alain Delon

It was through a photograph posted on Instagram that Paul Belmondo paid tribute to Alain Delon, who died this Sunday morning at the age of 88. An image of his father, Jean-Paul, alongside the other monster of French cinema from the second half of the 20th century, on the set of the legendary “Borsalino”.

VideoAlain Delon, sacred monster of cinema, died at 88

“Alain, one day you told me that you missed my father, today it is you who will be greatly missed,” writes Paul Belmondo, former Formula 1 driver and now consultant. At the end of the line, he pays tribute to the man who has always been close to his father.

What feeling did you have when you learned of Alain Delon’s death this morning?


PAUL BELMONDO. I learned the news this morning through his children’s press release. My first feeling is to be very sad to know that Alain Delon has left. It will be a great loss for everyone, for his family. And of course, it connects me to my father since they have made their careers side by side all their lives and they are leaving almost at the same time one summer. So of course, it connects me to him.

What was your connection with him?

I had a family connection with him. I have this connection through my father already. Because he was always present at important moments in our family, like my sister’s 18th birthday, weddings, mine, funerals, premieres… I remember being at the premiere of Zorro with my father. And on the other hand, I have a connection with Anthony (Delon) with whom I am friends.


Were you still in contact with him?

From time to time, he would call me to check on my father. One day, he called me several months after my father died to tell me that he missed him. There was this connection… I went to see him in the theater too. He told me how happy he was to do it and there too, he had spoken to me about my father and the relationship he had with him.

What resonated in this relationship?

This friendship, the fact that they loved each other. They had this rivalry that was different from his gang at the Conservatoire. Alain was someone who was there out of respect. They respected each other enormously. And very often, there are friendships that are like that. You don’t necessarily see people all the time but you know that they are there and you know that you respect each other. That was the relationship with my father.

When was the last time you saw him?

It was at my father’s funeral (September 10, 2021, editor’s note). Afterwards, we spoke twice on the phone and Anthony gave me regular news. He kept me informed. Afterwards, we had to respect this choice he had to live quietly in Douchy.

Alain Delon was passionate about several sports, including car racing. What memories do you have of that?

He loved cars in general. It wasn’t just motorsport because he had some very nice cars. He had a passion for the great champions too. In fact, I think he was more attracted to the man. I remember a Vivement dimanche with Schumacher and I think he was passionate about sportsmen, as Monzón was passionate about boxing. He had a real passion for men, more than the sport itself. I think of Schumacher, of Jean Todt… He loved aesthetics, he loved excellence, art…

By Editor

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