Yle cuts its top management, change negotiations are also possible

Yle’s management team will be reduced, and from now on there will be three editors-in-chief instead of four.

Yle tells about organizational changes and personnel reductions in its top management.

The number of chief editors will be reduced from four to three, as Sports and event content, which has been a separate unit until now, will become part of News and Current Affairs.

In connection with the change, the production departments will be combined with the technology and development unit.

In addition, the director of Ylen’s Creative contents and media unit Ville Vilén has announced that he will leave Yle’s management team. In the future, Vilén will be responsible for Ylesa Radio’s symphony orchestra and Yle’s activities at Musiikkitalo. He also justifies his decision with personal health reasons.

Also Yle’s general counsel Katri Olmo leaves the management team and continues as Yle’s management assistant.

Head of Yle’s news and current affairs activities Jouko Jokinen will retire in October, and will continue in his role Panu Pokkinen.

Mightily managing director Merja Ylä-Anttila says in Yle’s press release that the organizational changes will tighten management structures and increase operational efficiency and flexibility.

The changes may continue at Yle even after this, because according to the release, assessments of possible personnel effects and decisions on possible start of change negotiations will be made as the plans progress later in the fall.

The parliamentary working group that considered the future of Yle has so far not reached a decision.

The working group has planned cuts to Yle’s budget, which increases the pressure to reduce Yle’s operations.

By Editor

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