“His children didn’t even let me say ‘goodbye’ to him,” reacts Hiromi Rollin, the actor’s shadow lady.

INFO LE FIGARO – “It’s inhumane,” denounces the “lady companion” of the Samurai who was sometimes a concubine, sometimes a nurse. Repudiated by Douchy and exonerated by the courts after accusations of mistreatment, she said she was “devastated” this Monday.

She says to herself “devastated” not to have seen again «Alain». While the sacred monster of French cinema passed away on Sunday at the age of 88, his last companion, Hiromi Rollin, repudiated last year by Douchy, reacted to the Figaro at the death of «[s]half”whom she says she never stopped loving.

“We loved each other for over 30 years. I lived with him for 17 years and was separated from Alain unjustly, brutally and violently”assures the Japanese companion, in reference to the accusations of mistreatment brought before the courts by the actor’s three children in July 2023, and dismissed on January 4 by the Montargis public prosecutor’s office.

The enigmatic Japanese companion, sometimes concubine, sometimes nurse of the actor, had met Alain Delon on the set of Dancing Machine in 1989, where she worked as an assistant director. Initially his mistress, she gradually moved in with him in the stone-walled estate of Douchy, while remaining in the shadow of her media and family life. “She was never there for family celebrations, Christmas parties, meals together.”the eldest child, Anthony, had indicated during his hearing before investigators.


But in July 2023, Hiromi Rollin had been suddenly erased from the actor’s life, when Anthony, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien had reinvested the family property to expel her. United against the companion, they then accused her in two complaints of “moral harassment”, “diversion of correspondence” et “animal abuse” ; and of “intentional violence and sequestration of a vulnerable person, abuse of weakness and moral harassment”.

“His children didn’t even let me say ‘goodbye’ to him, it’s inhumane”says Hiromi Rollin today. She assures us that Alain Delon and she, despite his expulsion from the estate, continued to communicate by telephone in recent months. “He wanted to see me. He even left me a message on March 24. He said he was too lonely and asked me to come see him.”she says.

Discover “Alain Delon”, the special edition of Figaro

Questioned by the police, the actor, who had joined in the complaints of his children at the time, had then described a stormy relationship, made up of ups and downs, verbal violence, sometimes even physical; of separations which were always followed by discreet reunions. “Don’t think that cooking or looking after dogs gives you the right to be called Alain Delon’s partner. I only know one Madame Delon, and that’s Nathalie [la mère d’Anthony, NDLR]and there will be no others,” wrote the actor in a break-up letter from August 2018 included in the preliminary investigation file.

“I love you Alain”

He also maintained a certain mystery about their history. There was a kind of love between us. At first she was my assistant director, then she became more intimate, then professional again.”he described, as disillusioned. “We have a personal and professional relationship and then we realize that everything is calculated. I am Alain Delon, you understand.”

Today, the 66-year-old woman, although exonerated by the courts, continues to proclaim her innocence and to highlight the responsibility of the Delon siblings in the deterioration of the actor’s health after he left the Domaine de la Brûlerie. “His health deteriorated sharply after I was expelled from Douchy.”maintains the one who lives today in the greatest discretion. She implicitly points out the cessation of the actor’s treatment decided by the children shortly after his departure, and the main cause of the clan’s divisions. “For Alain, the treatment worked very well. He was happy with me and in good shape on July 5, 2023. I am revolted and sorry for Alain that his treatment was stopped a year ago.”explains the one who ends her last letter to the actor with these words: “I love you Alain, my better half.”

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