The ideas of philosopher Enrique Dussel are one of the main themes of the UACM Book Fair

The Autonomous University of Mexico City (UACM) inaugurated its book fair yesterday at the Del Valle campus. Lasting five days, the literary event promises to captivate attendees with more than a hundred activities and the participation of 30 publishers. From paperback editions to luxury works, the event offers a diverse range of titles at affordable prices, ensuring that each visitor discovers their next favorite read.

In this edition, Colombia (guest country) will have a notable presence at the event. Writers, artists and intellectuals, including Lindantonella Solano, Hugo Jamioy Juagibioy, Fredy Chikangana and Juan Manuel Roca will share their passion for poetry and literature in master lectures, discussion panels and concerts.

The literary gala will focus on three thematic axes: the public university in the Mexico-Colombia context, the literature of native and ancestral languages, and the philosophy of liberation, with a special mention to its founder, Enrique Dussel (1934-2023).the organizers reported.

This fair is small, but it seeks to dignify books and education in this country. It is true that social movements gave us a free and secular university, but we need to be more inclusive, as well as to serve the most marginalized sectors of the population.explained José Ángel Leyva Alvarado, head of publications at UACM and organizer of the meeting, at the opening ceremony.

For me, the editorial work of the university is very important, because promoting reading is an expression of the highest purity. Once you read, you are never the same again. This challenge involves not only making the decision and the responsibility of choosing the text, but also the path you will follow.

Leyva was accompanied by Carmen Elisa Acosta, representative of the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Knowledge of Colombia; Flor Mercedes Rodríguez, coordinator of the Del Valle campus; Professor Fernando Félix y Valenzuela, and Dr. Bernardo Benítez Oliva.

Three events are part of the tribute to the academic, historian and theologian Enrique Dussel, a central figure in Latin American philosophy in the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, recognized for his contribution to critical thinking and the philosophy of liberation.

The first took place hours after the inauguration with the presence of two special guests: Johanna Peters Strickmann (Dussel’s widow) and Enrique Dussel Peters (son), who were accompanied by Silvana Rabinovich, Abigail Sandoval Cuevas and José Alberto Benítez Oliva, scholars and disciples of their works.

The third edition of the book will be presented on August 20 at 5 p.m. Philosophy of culture and transmodernity (2005), published by UACM, due to its outstanding critical reception. Teresa Rodriguez de la Vega, Jose Gandarilla and Juan Manuel Contreras Colin will offer details of the specimen.

Two days later, at the same time, Juan Manuel Contreras and Mario Rojas, experts on Dussel’s work, will comment in the main hall on a special screening that brings together recordings by friends and followers of the self-defined academic itinerant rector from the UACM.

In addition to book presentations, the cultural cycle will feature screenings of Colombian films, concerts and poetry readings that highlight the voices of writers in native and ancestral languages.

This year, the following publishers are participating: Megumi Libros, Oralibrura/Editorial Reverberante, Eterno Femenino, Ediciones Mitote, Libros de Oriente, Los Libros del Caos, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Promotion and Action for Intercultural Dialogue and Human Rights AC, Mar de Libros, Cascada de Palabras, Cartonera, Libros de Godot, Akal, El Colegio de México, Ediciones Colectiva and Gráfica Hidalguense.

On August 27, María Reyna, known for her deep connection with indigenous music, will perform accompanied by pianist and musical director Joaquín Garzón. Ancestral rhythms will amplify the intensity of the concert.

Cultural events like this strengthen the bond between the school and those who are passionate about reading.said some students who were touring the stands at the fair.

With free admission, the UACM Book Fair will take place until August 23 at the Del Valle campus (San Lorenzo 290, corner of Roberto Gayol, Del Valle neighborhood). The program can be consulted on the website

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