A fraction of the municipality of Zacatecas, in the state of the same name, will be declared a zone of historical monuments, for Its structure and architectural typologywhich is considered a testimony of national historical, political and artistic value.

He Official Journal of the Federation (DOF) published this Tuesday the agreement by which the procedure for the issuance of the declaration of the surface of 105-26-48.4 hectares is initiated

The delimited area is made up of 169 blocks, where 827 buildings and urban elements with historical value are located, built between the 16th and 19th centuries, Properties that retain the architectural characteristics of the region and imported ones and that, together, give special relevance to the urban image and its immediate surroundings..

The document states that it is of public utility the research, protection, conservation, restoration and recovery of the historical monuments and monument zones that make up the Mexican cultural heritage, which is why the legacy that exists in the city of Zacatecas must be preserved.

This demarcation is surrounded by an impressive natural landscape composed of very important topographic elevations, including the Bufa and Grillo hills, which have allowed the morphological study of the city, in addition to being a fundamental part of the military strategies that took place throughout the history of the population.

Zacatecas has two inscriptions on the UNESCO World Heritage List: its historic center (1993) and the Camino Real de Tierra Adentro (2010).

The historic monuments area is located at coordinates E 709232 and N 2091709, corresponding to UTM zone 13 north.

The agreement specifies that In order to preserve and conserve the historic area of ​​the city of Zacatecas, it is established as a precautionary measure that it is prohibited to place any type of advertisement, posters, stores and constructions in the historic monuments, adjacent and others located within the area to be declared, without prior authorization from the National Institute of Anthropology and History..

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