The sudden death of two children led Nick Cave to discover a lesson that everyone should understand

On the closing track of the acclaimed Ghosteen album, Cave tells a story that seems to have been created to comfort those who have lost loved ones, writes cultural journalist Jussi Lehmusvesi.

Life is unpredictable even for a rock musician who has made millions. Australian songwriter Nick Cave told last week how the Deaths of her two sons have changed her as a person.

Cave spoke about his experiences as an Australian In an interview with the ABC channel.

The accident that changed Cave’s life happened in the summer of 2015. At that time, his Arthur-his son died at the age of 15 after falling off a cliff near Brighton.

Two years ago, Cave faced another grief: his eldest son Jethro Lazenby died at the age of 31. Jethro, who worked as a model and musician, had been released from prison in Australia a little earlier.

Cave said that he understood the second time what the grieving process is about, because he had already gone through it once.

“It is the first catastrophic event. Eventually we adapt to it or change ourselves so that as we get older we become loss professionals.”

“Some people think that there is no coming back from disaster, that they will never laugh again. But yes, there is.”

The loss a professional sounds like a difficult profession, but the truth is that Cave has dealt with his grief in an interview book, a documentary film, and in his art. Praised Ghosteenalbum (2019) Hollywood– on the final track, he says Kisa Gotamin the story.

The story is one of the most famous in Buddhism.

In the story, Kisa Gotami has a baby that she thinks is sick. To get help, he runs around the village. However, the villagers see that the baby is dead. They urge the mother to bury the child in the forest and move on with her life.

However, Kisa refuses to accept what happened and instead carries the dead child in her arms.

Next, Kisa turns to the Buddha. The Buddha promises to prepare a healing medicine. For that, he needs mustard seeds from a house where no one has died.

Kisa searches and searches, but cannot find such a house. Finally, he realizes that everyone has experienced death and buries the baby.

”And I’m just waiting now for peace to come”, Caven kappaleen lopussa lauletaan.

In the year 2022 published Faith, hope and death -in the interview book, Cave says that it was essential for him to understand that tragedies are part of human life. No one can control what happens to them, but you can choose how you react to it.

“I say this with great caution and a million notes, but I say this because some people think that there is no coming back from disaster, that they will never laugh again. But yes, there is, and yes, they laugh.”

Suru is as common as love.

The price of love is sorrow.

As well as life.

By Editor

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