In the auditorium of the Palace of Autonomy, presiding over the ceremony for the centenary of the creation of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (FFL), the rector of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Leonardo Lomelí Vanegas, highlighted that throughout this century this academic entity has been a hotbed of intellectual, political, cultural and social movements that have given rise to ethical discussions in the country and beyond. our borders.

He stressed that this faculty It has been a space of resistance and renewal, where the most progressive ideas have been discussed and relevant solutions have been proposed, while our cultural heritage has been revalued and rescued..

Lomelí Vanegas stated that the FFL It is and will continue to be one of the fundamental pillars of the history of UNAM.. In addition to being a bastion in the life of this educational institution, it has played a key role in the formation of generations that have shaped critical, literary, philosophical, humanistic and historical thought in Mexico, he added.

He emphasized that the essence of this academic instance has been, and continues to be, essential for the construction of a more just, inclusive, democratic and humane Mexico.

Its legacy lies in the fact that, in addition to having a rich heritage of traditions, it also has the ability to adapt to a constantly changing reality.

Protagonist of national history

On this very special day, we cannot forget the importance of this building, the first to house the faculty, in the defence of fundamental values ​​such as freedom, justice, inclusion and equality. The faculty has been a bastion of free expression, where ideas can flourish without restrictions, power is questioned and the fight for more just and equitable societies is fought for.

He stressed that since its founding in 1924, it has been the cradle of humanistic knowledge, where thinkers who have transformed our country have been trained, the rector added.

Its future is closely linked to the history of Mexico, as over these 100 years it has been a witness and, above all, a protagonist of the most crucial moments of our nation. Since its birth, it has been a guide on the path of entire generations, offering a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of our cultural and social identity.he added.

The FFL currently houses around 11,000 students and more than 1,600 academics; it has a vast offering that includes 13 undergraduate degrees and nine in the Open University and Distance Education System, and participates in 15 graduate programs that represent 35 percent of those offered by the institution.

He pointed out that the interdisciplinary approach cultivated in its facilities, which integrates areas such as philosophy, history, literature, theater, geography and library science, is more relevant than ever.

We need this vision to find solutions to the challenges that arise. This institution faces the challenge of continuing to be a space for innovation and creativity, of staying at the forefront of research and teaching.said the rector.

FFL Director Mary Frances Teresa Rodriguez Van Gort said that the institution is home to the social sciences and humanities, and even offers courses related to the natural sciences. “Their diverse voices are the basis of its beauty. It is a place where difference can be expressed.”

Memory allows us to observe the path that has brought us to the moment in which we find ourselves, reinterpreting the path to explain the present; it brings us together before a milestone of the present, the fruit of the work of thousands of people over 100 years.he added.

Celebrating its first centenary has many meanings and is a reason for rejoicing for our community when thinking about the achievements collected over time; it generates solemnity by allowing us to remember those that were left behind in our journey.he said.

At the ceremony, commemorative medals were awarded to the faculty’s centennial to the deans, professors Aimée Wagner y Mesa and Eugenia Revueltas, as well as to former directors and emeritus professors. A video about the academic institution was also shown and a commemorative plaque was unveiled.

By Editor

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