Invited by Pascal Praud on CNews, the actress recounted the funeral of the Samurai. A funeral “incredible and so dignified (…) with the fervor, these white flowers and his black coffin.”

Actress Nicole Calfan, among the forty guests at Alain Delon’s funeral on Saturday at his property in Douchy (Loiret), said on Monday “It felt like we were at the funeral of a great godfather in Sicily with all the beauty that entails”.

Guest of Pascal Praud on CNews, the actress who was Delon’s partner in Borsalinoa 1970 film by Jacques Deray, added that the funeral of The Leopard was “incredible and so dignified (…) with the fervor, these white flowers and his black coffin”.

The actor was buried in the strictest privacy near his dogs in the chapel of his property, as he wished, a procedure to “exceptional title” which required prefectural authorization.

Mobile phones had to be taken away from everyone present, for reasons of confidentiality. At the family’s request, the prefecture had also banned flying over the property for the entire weekend.

“We knew why we were there”

“There was so much love, so much complicity, said Nicole Calfan. As Anthony (Delon, one of the actor’s sons, editor’s note) said, all the people who were there were really Alain’s friends. We knew why we were there. We were all loved in a different way.”

“The children spoke beautifully, all three of them, with great emotion, with incredible restraint in emotion and sorrow. It’s like their father,” concluded the actress, refusing to go into details of the ceremony for “respect Alain’s wishes”.

It was Jean-Michel Di Falco, 82, former bishop of Gap and long considered the chaplain of celebrities, who celebrated it. According to Paris-Matchin his homily, Mgr Di Falco insisted on the“authenticity” of the actor, describing him “as a refuge and a magician of happiness for society”. “Alain, Christ loves you!”he said, concluding “on a message of hope and life after death”.

By Editor

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